
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I'm shocked, shocked! The ADL reports that email list serv of the anti-Israel group Al Awda is rife with messages containing rank anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial. Not exactly earth-shattering news to most of us, in fact most of the listservs of similar groups are full to the gills with similar material. Al Awda is in the "mainstream of the fringe" of the anti-Israel sanctions movement. Their representatives give presentations in churches, schools (Mazin Qumsiyeh is one of their most infamous representatives) and write op-eds in newspapers. This is the poison they spread: Anti-Semitism and Conspiracy Theories Run Rampant on Al-Awda Listserve

Recent messages on an anti-Israel listserve run by Al-Awda have included expressions of anti-Semitism, denials of the Holocaust and wild conspiracy theories about Israel and Jews.

Supporters of Al-Awda, a Palestinian-American grassroots organization, use its various national and regional listserves to condemn Israel and organize events expressing opposition to Israel's policies. In recent weeks, several e-mails distributed to the listserve have featured particularly egregious comments alleging that Israel secretly orchestrates Palestinian suicide bombings against Israeli civilians, that Jews are guilty of engaging in organ trafficking and that it is sensible to "doubt" the veracity of the Holocaust.

Al-Awda's listserve has on occasion featured messages demonstrating support for terrorist groups, including the distribution of communiqués from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). But several of the recent messages, some of which appear below, reflect previously unseen expressions of anti-Semitism, slander about Jews and ludicrous conspiracy theories...


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