
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Oh brother.

I hope this doesn't lead to widespread violence:

Violent clashes erupt at Jerusalem's holiest site

You've got to read the article to believe the attitudes toward Jews and Jerusalem. Our history apparently doesn't count to all the Muslims who think we have "crossed a red line" vis a vis the city we founded.

This is upsetting to me but more upsetting are the memories of Intifada II. So right now I am praying that people don't lose their minds again and try to solve problems by senseless violence.

And, is it too much to ask for a little tolerance and respect? People seem to forget that al Aqsa is built on top of our temple, just as both Christianity and Islam are built upon Judaism.

Isn't it kind of ridiculous when 57 Islamic nations, gathered together in an official group, attack the world's one Jewish state both verbally and militarity and declare it racist for wanting to be Jewish and react with outrage when Israeli police try to keep order at our holiest site?

Let's pray that reason prevails. Can any of us - Israeli or Palestinian, Muslim, Christian or Jew, afford another brutal intifada?

It's just too much, too costly and too pointless.

Most of all it's a slap in the face of the G*d whose laws, love and wisdom we all claim to respect, and whom we all worship at the Temple Mount.

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» Temple Mount Muslim riots erupt at the blog Tel-Chai Nation

So the Islamic entity in this country has been getting aggressive yet again at the location of one of Israel's holiest sites, which the Islamic caliphate conquered later in the 7th-8th century. As told in this news report (via My Right Word): Read More


It's just too much, too costly and too pointless.


Um, no, sorry.

The point is to keep the conflict simmering.

The point is to show Israel that it is not in control of events.

The point is to show Israelis that they will not be able to live in peace or security. Ever.

The point is to show the world that Palestinians are still suffering (and will continue to suffer as long as Israel exists). This has two purposes. It puts increasing pressure on Israel and earns Palestinians (or at least those close to the trough) lots and lots of money.

The point is to show everyone that Israel, because of her treatment of Palestinians and because it causes Palestinians to suffer (because they have not yet achieved their goal of erasing Israel), does not deserve to exist.

The point is to show Abbas that he has no business unilaterally calling elections without the acquiescence of Hamas (who will never acquiesce).

The point is to show Abbas what happens when he listens to American advice and bows to American pressure (viz. the Goldstone Report episode) at his own risk.

The point is to persuade Israel to agree to either disestablish herself or have herself "disestablished" by her "partners in peace."

Water on rock, water on rock. Drip, drip, drip....

No point, eh?

I to, hope and pray this does not get worse, all monothiests (christians, jews muslims etc.), pretty much got thier moral code from the jews vis. a vis the Ten commandments of Moses, I hope this thing simmers down and no more violence or bloodshed occurs.

P.S. G-d does NOT condone war or violence !.

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