
Saturday, September 26, 2009

The story continues with a new update from ALG:

Statement by Carter L. Clews to Steve Capus' "Stonegate Scandal" Comments

The increasingly hysterical responses by NBC news boss Steve Capus and NBC News itself to the escalating Stonegate Scandal are disappointing at best and chilling at worst. Here is a man who runs what used to be a highly respected major news bureau who now finds himself conjuring up gremlins in cyberspace to defend what appears to be horrendously bigoted behavior within his own news room.

Having spoken directly with Mr. Capus for nearly 15 minutes Friday afternoon, I want to once again repeat my offer to him: if you really don't believe that Ms Stone sent the "Bite me, Jew boy" email to ALG staffer Alex Rosenwald, we will be happy to work with you to track down who sent it from her Blackberry using her email address.

This is precisely the same offer I made to Ms Stone at 11:00AM Friday morning, when she denied having sent any such email to Alex Rosenwald. Now, Mr. Capus has changed her story to say that, yes, she sent an email on Thursday, but it did not say "Bite me, Jew boy."

Again, we are more than willing to help NBC resolve its internal problems, but Mr. Capus needs to work with those trying to ferret out the full story, not against, us. Tom Brokaw, one of Mr. Capus's closest friends has said of the NBC news boss, "He does have a little bit of a hair trigger. He could blow. But I could always walk in and close the door and say, 'Take a breath.' "

My message to Mr. Capus now is, "Take a breath, and let's try to get to the bottom of what has now become of your once-respected news organization."

Mr. Clews is the Director of Communications for Americans for Limited Government, the group that exposed the NBC email.

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I guess she didn't like getting a PR email: Americans for Limited Government Statement in Response to NBC "Bite me, Jew Boy" Email Americans for Limited Government is appalled that an employee of the NBC news network apparently felt it... Read More

I've posted links to the ALG/NBC "Bite Me Jew Boy" email fracas twice now, here and here. It's been clear since the start that a data forensics expert could pretty easily get into the server logs and determine to a... Read More

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