
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Jordan begins stripping Palestinian Arabs with any connections west of the Jordan River of their citizenship...and the UN goes wild. J/K, actually you have to read about it in the Jerusalem Post (Amman revoking Palestinians' citizenship) and...Daily Kos (Jordan stripping Palestinians of Citizenship-The Road to Apartheid -- where the comment thread isn't 1/2 as bad as usual).

This is, of course, object lesson #38904 in ways in which other Arabs use Palestinians as pawns in their never-ending quest to erase Israel from the map, and the UN's special rules for Palestinians that keeps them refugees in perpetuity, rather than resettling them like anyone else (there is hardly a space problem in Jordan), simply contributes to never-ending misery and war.

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Joel Pollak on the mass stripping of Jordanian citizenship from Palestinian Arabs: Palestinian Rights: A Warning A grave injustice is being committed against the Palestinian people -- perhaps among the greatest in their history. Thousands are being sys... Read More

1 Comment

That's the way the West and the UN have wanted it all the time.
Those who attempted to flee the fighting in 1948 were caught in a trap to use them to continue the violence in the hope of removing the Jews.

It could have been resolved at the time the League of Nations Mandate was defined had it been honestly implemented. It could have been resolved again in 1949 had the West and the UN been serious about defining permanent borders and not armistice lines.

Even relatively recently it could have been resolved if the US and Europe not resolved to bankroll the violence emanating from the Palestinian side with billions of dollars after each "cease-fire".

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