
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Don't worry Frank. Everyone knows Chris Matthews is a dick. I haven't even watched him that many times, but even I've seen this pattern: Matthews argues with guest. Guest leaves. Matthews selects and interprets evidence to his own twist and proclaims himself the winner. In this case, it's not just what he says about Gaffney, but his characterization of Bush is utterly unhinged and dishonest: Gaffney slaps back at Chris Matthews

On Tuesday night, Frank Gaffney appeared on MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews. After a discussion with Mother Jones' David Corn about the Spanish judge who was poised to prosecute six Bush Administration officials, Matthews egged-on the rabid fringe of the left by saying the following:

We've crossed that line at that West Point speech by President Bush, George W. Bush, up there in 2002 when he said 'we're going into countries and we're going to kick ass because they don't have democracy in those countries.' That's when he said 'we're going to kill people internationally because we don't like their form of government...

He said 'we're going to fight for democracy in the world and kill people who get in our way,' and that's what he said... That's the problem; he was going to do mass killing...

In this clip, Frank Gaffney responds.

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