
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Although there were a number of interesting local events last night, I chose to head on down to Tufts University where the College Republicans were sponsoring David Horowitz. Those who have been around awhile may be aware of the influence Horowitz's own move from Left to Right has had on mine, and having followed his adventures for some time I was interested to actually see the man in person.

With several competing events (including the guy who runs Stonyfield Farm where free yogurt was served), turnout was very light -- maybe 30 people, including at least 1/3 non-students. No protests, no hostility. I sat in the second row with my video camera (with no one in the front row), and filmed the entire talk. I'll consider posting the video, though Horowitz doesn't speak very loudly, and paced back and forth on the stage the entire time, so the audio is not that great and the video is a little distracting. I'll update this post later with the video if it's good enough to bother.

Horowitz is out promoting his new book, One-Party Classroom: How Radical Professors at America's Top Colleges Indoctrinate Students and Undermine Our Democracy, and that's the subject he covered. He works with no notes. One gets the feeling he's been down this road before.

Q&A was subdued, with some polite exchanges with students describing themselves as liberal taking issue with some of the points made -- or at least with the manner in which the points were made -- but everything was as polite as one should be able to expect at an institute of higher learning.

The memorable moment for me came after the talk, while Horowitz was signing books. I was milling around with my friend who's also done some writing for PJM and other recognizable outlets and he suggested I go introduce myself. I was reticent. He's not gonna know who I am and I didn't have much to say. "C'mon, meet him, maybe he'll pick up some of your stuff..." whereupon he made a bee line for the table with me in tow while there was a break in the action. "So you had some competition tonight from the guy from Stonyfield Farm," says my friend to Horowitz. "Yeah, they were giving away free yogurt so a lot of the students were drawn over there," says I. Horowitz smiles.

I stick my hand out to shake his and start in, "Really enjoyed your talk..." And in that one moment I can already tell he's completely lost interest so I blurt out, "I'mMartinSolomonIrunablogSolomoniadotcom..."

"Yeah OK great," he interrupts.

"" but he's already turned his attention away.

We move away from the table and I'm just laughing. By this time I've learned it's best to hold most of the people we admire at arm's length.

Like I said, will update later with video if it's worth bothering.

Edit: Oh, a couple of the security guys did take note of my resemblance to Robert De Niro, "Hey Bobby...! Spittin' image..." etc... For whatever that's worth. Someday I'll learn to make that work for me. It's also been pointed out that Horowitz's attention might have been drawn to the two attractive undergrads who came up in line next to us...No excuse!

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Here's another little bit of news my trip to the Tufts campus landed me with last night: I've written before about Jewish and pro-Israel organizations that ignore advocating on behalf of their own mission statements, and I'm sad to report... Read More

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OMG - well, I'm kinda laughing. Like you I'm one for keeping the "well known" at more than arm's length as they so often turn out to be a disappointment. I'd say that was a major disappointment in demeanor. Considering how small the group was, you'd think he'd take a bit of extra time to be gracious.

He's asking people to buy his book and to buy into what he says. Apparently it's never occurred to him that a nice word from him to someone who obviously is a fan of his work, would do more than just about anything else to help his cause - one person at a time.

(Just think, had he been polite and engaged in a little conversation, what a different opinion you'd have and what a different picture of him you would have blogged.)

However, one must remember where he came from... the left is not generally known for its graciousness. It seems while he has shed some of the thought processes, he still possesses the personality of a true lefty, if he's not interested, it's not important.

I suppose he could have been having a bad day, but his message does require some showmanship and that's part of it - even if you don't feel like it, suck it up and put on a happy face, wait til you get home to be a jerk. Heh.

DH is an obsessive/compulsive in the social/political arena, no question; eminently human, with all that brings in tow. That, at least, is how I view him.

Thank you for the report!

In response to Theresa - please do not blame poor manners on the Left.

Sheese. This gets annoying after awhile.

Seriously! We may be guilty of annoying the Right on ideological grounds but anybody who who had known my beautiful, elegant, classy, perfectly mannered Socialist mother or countless people like her (or me) wouldn't say a thing like that.

It's just a dumb smear like the kneejerk reaction some on the Left have to anything with which they disagree - ie well that can't possibly be correct because so and so is "right wing".

Enough already!

Secondly - in defense of public figures - many people who live in the spotlight are very shy personally.

I wouldn't take this too seriously, though it's disappointing. But it's difficult for writers, artists, and performers who have to put on a mask to go out in public - it's no reflection on you or your fine blog, MS. Put it down to tiredness and stress.

My apologies Sophia, I didn't know your mother. I'm speaking from the experience of those I have met and those I have seen online and on television. I was overly broad.

Coincidentally, PJTV has a free, 17 min. interview, here. On point, informative.

I'm sorry I wasn't more cordial. I'm 70 years old. It was the sixth day of a road trip. I did radio interviews all day including an hour in-studio with Howie Carr, I did a dinner with the CRs, I spoke for an hour and a half with questions and then signed books. I had to get up at 5:30 the next morning to catch a flight to California. I was, in short, tired and anxious to get some rest.

David! Apology accepted. Thank you for stopping by. Don't worry, I'm still a fan. Now get some rest old fellow...

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