
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Seems it's going to be crashing back to earth:

...A few days ago, Iran's space officials stated in a surprise announcement that the satellite will be ending its "successful" mission around March 25. What they meant to say is that their satellite has gone rogue and cannot be controlled anymore.

This claim of success by Iran's officials was not anticipated because they did not mention the short life span of their pride and joy, which was launched on February 3. Some Iranian websites say that because of Omid's battery life of two months, it was doomed to destruct from the start. Now the question is how that could be possible given that most satellites use solar panels as their basic source of energy production...

There's more, including rumors that Russia took a payoff to help the project look even more like a home-grown Iranian business.

1 Comment

Yet another example of the lack of ability to operate a truly viable high technology program. It's one thing that absolutely terrorizes me about their probable nuclear weapons program. Building it is within their capability... managing it is not.

I can't believe we elected this group of clowns, it's truly disheartening...

I'm sure many of your readers will recognize that those two statements are not as disjointed as it might seem

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