
Monday, March 30, 2009


With apologies for the appropriation of classic North Korean propaganda, but it just seemed to fit. If my email inbox is any indicator, David Horowitz is right when he warns about the dangers of Obama Derangement Syndrome.

I'll be seeing Horowitz at Tufts tonight. I'm not expecting any fireworks, but one never knows...

1 Comment

With apologies to whoever said it first but, I once read the line, "Never ascribe to malice what incompetence will explain." I would like to posit that the inverse of that line is just as sound. The giant radical strides along the trail that have been, and continue to be taken by this administration, because of their sheer audacity, may not have to be explained until the end of the trail is reached. It certainly appears to be ineptitude, but its being conducted with such rapidity, confidence and fearlessness that may simply belie incompetence.

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