
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Talk about brain-dead regulation. Effectively all children's books printed before 1985 cannot be sold or given away and must be destroyed owing to the lead content in the ink? This thanks to the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) that went into effect in February. Ed Driscoll has a video report here: New Silicon Graffiti Video: "2009: A Book Banning Odyssey"

1 Comment

Do children eat books or something?

Well, yes, they do (at least my kids did). When he was about 1 yr. old, my son used to wait until I was distracted by talking on the phone - then he would pull all my paperbacks down from the bookcase and he'd eat them. (that's not the worst thing kids eat).

He managed to do well in school and graduate from B.U. despite all of that lead, but imagine if those books had been lead-free :-)

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