
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Click the HQ button for best results.

In case you were thinking of enjoying the approaching spring season with its golden daffodils and balmy afternoons, think again. If you're a Proper Progressive, you'll put away those thoughts of banishing winter and concentrate on yes, you guessed it -- destroying Israel. Because according to Phyllis Bennis' End the Occupation website, it's Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Action Month! Dust off your keffiyahs, collect your magic markers and poster boards, get some fresh batteries for your bullhorns and let's get those Jews!

Number one on the agenda is boycott. And where does a proper progressive go to boycott? Where else? The Islamic Republic of Harvard Square. Because there's a T-Mobile store there. If you thought that the PP's ("Proper Progressives") were focused on Caterpillar tractors and the passion of Rachel Corrie, think again. You see, Saint Rachel is still high in the pantheon of Progressive Saints, but the focus has shifted to Motorola. Why Motorola? According to PP propaganda, "Motorola products directly contribute to Israeli Apartheid: Bomb fuses used against civilians by the IDF and Surveillance Devices for Israel's Illegal Wall and Settlements." Of course, what Israeli cellphones really contributed to in the recent Gaza offensive, was their use as a warning device to Palestinian civilians to evacuate certain areas prior to the IDF's battles with Hamas. Israeli cellphones probably saved hundreds of innocent lives. Who knows whether the brand used was Motorola, Blackberry, LG -- you take your pick. But for the PP's of Harvard Square, the T-Mobile store seemed like a convenient rallying point. Sadly, for the sagging, graying, keffiyah sporting brigade, not many passersby understood or cared about their whacko protest, judging from the throngs packed into the cell phone store. Nor did the employees of the store get it. The one kid I asked laughed and said, "What the hell is going on out there?" And judging from the brisk sales of cell phones, customers couldn't have cared less either.

Why the sudden shift from boycotting Caterpillar Tractors to Motorola? That's an easy one. You see, Caterpillar was the target after Rachel Corrie was tragically and accidentally run over while she was guarding a smuggling tunnel in Gaza in 2003 and for six years has been the cause célèbre of the PP's. Beginning a year ago, however, the assault on Caterpillar hit a snag: Palestinians have been using tractors to deliberately kill Jewish civilians in Jerusalem, the latest attempt occurring a week ago, fortunately resulting in only the death of the would-be killer who was found with an open Koran in the tractor's cab. To date, three Jews have been killed by Palestinian tractor drivers.

A continuing boycott of Caterpillar would inevitably be forced to recognize the deliberate use of tractors by Palestinians as murder weapons -- and that would never do -- to tell the truth about a Progressively sainted people. And so the PP's quietly downplay Caterpillar.

So it's on to Motorola. And when that myth is exploded, they'll be on to Burger King, General Electric or Preparation H.











Got to love those useful idiots.

Sometimes it backfires.

Our local Northern Californian "non-Zionist" group had a table set up last week outside a local independent grocery store in Berkeley. They urged both the store management and shoppers to boycott Israel products.

In response:
The store gave greater visibility to their collection of Israeli "spring" nectars- the pear and peach are like eating fresh fruit, crisp and luscious. The mango's pretty name good too. can't bring myself to try the guava through.

The manager also made a commitment to stock even more Israeli products when his store expands later this year.

Thank you, Berkeley Bowl for your moral, lucrative and very delicious decision,.

Hillel is amazing, as always. I love seeing hypocrites squirm!

Is Phyllis Bennis related to Elaine Bennis?

Not that there's anything wrong with it. ;-)

Ask those protestors if they ever protested al qada or osama bin laden.

We all know the answer.


It would be Counter-Revolutionary!

Ask the protestors what uniform do HAMass fighters wear to distinguish themselves from REAL civilians.

We all know that HAMass fighters wear CIVILIAN clothing, and ski masks when cameras are around.

Isn't there some convention saying that armies must wear uniforms or some markings?

I wish there were some basis for the claims of these lovely people, that T-Mobile is somehow implicated in their fabrications of Israeli atrocities.

I have a two-year contract with T-Mobile, and I like them. This would cause me to like them a whole lot more. "We are judged by who our friends are... but at least as much by who our enemies are."

We are witnesses to a protracted bloody conflict. One side teaches its children to grow up and become bombs, and attacks civilians without warning. The other side phones ahead, letting the children of terrorists -- and the terrorists themselves -- live to fight another day. As such, it is statistically inevitable that, one day soon, we will see a suicide-bomber Palestinian whose life was saved by Israeli phone calls during Operation Cast Lead.

And always, there will be the Useful Idiots, condemning the rare mistakes of the most humane military force in history, while excusing the barbaric standard practices of the other side.

Daniel in Brookline

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