
Thursday, March 12, 2009

When Dubai wouldn't let Israeli tennis player Shahar Peer into the country, there was plenty of stepping up to the plate -- by The Tennis Channel and the Wall Street Journal, for instance. Tournament sponsor Barclays Bank, however...Brad Greenberg has the story: Barclays threatened with boycott for sponsorship of Dubai tennis tournament

...This morning, I received a series of emails between Lenny Kristal of Berkeley, Calif., and a Barclays executive. Kristal and two other Jews, one in New York and the other in Israel, are looking for a guarantee that:

"Barclays Bank Plc will not lend its name to any future event or tournament which results in the discrimination of participants on the basis of race, creed, color or nationality by event co-sponsors or host governments. And if such discrimination were to occur, Barclays Bank Plc would immediately withdraw as a sponsor of such an event."

Otherwise, Kristal warns, Barclays can count on a global divestment drive...

The letter to Barclays is great.

1 Comment

I have come to despise Britain. Britain is the home of anti-Israel politicians, academics, entertainers. Britiah academics hold McCarthyesque interviews of applicants for positions as to whether they are now, or have ever been, a supporter of Israel.

These same people would never think of asking an Arab as to whether they were ever a supporter of al qada, hamass, hezbullah. All that "we are all hezbullah now" crap has done it for me.

Barlcays appeasement of Islamofascist Dubai (and GWB was ready to turn over the operation of US seaports to Dubai - What Was He Thinking???), is another example of British winking, creeping anti-semetism, masked as anti-zionism.

I'm doing my own boycott of British everything.

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