
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Via LGF, a very cool site for those who want to say Thank You to George W. Bush for the domestic security we've enjoyed since 9/11. I signed.

Some of the people closest to Barack today need not apply.


Thanks?! You must be kidding. Thanks for getting us into two wars that have led to endless bogs, bleeding this country of funds and lives. And that includes one war (Iraq) that made no sense in the first place.

Thanks for what? For leaving us with record deficits that we'll spend years digging ourselves out of, after having inherited a surplus from Clinton? For leaving us with a tax structure that's even more regressive than before? For a massive trade deficit? A weakening of banking regulations that contributed to the sub-prime mess (no, it wasn't the CERA)? A weakened dollar? Severely damaged US image among our allies and friends abroad? His dismal showing on Katrina? His failure (unwillingness) to deal with lack of access to health care? For reneging on his promise to regulate carbon dioxide from coal-burning power plants, undermining EPA standards on car emissions, failure to address global warming in any manner?

Oh, yes, and we're so secure now that we've attacked a regime that, though odious, had no WMDs at the ready and had no meaningful contacts with Al Qaida. We're so secure now that our army is bogged down in Iraq, that we've hemmorhaged over $300 trillion dollars in a war with no immediate end, and lost badly needed political capital in the region and the world. And now that the chaos that we unleashed in that unstable country has brought Iran into the mix.

Sorry, but I won't be signing.

Where's the "screw you" website for him letting 9/11 happen on his watch.

Oh Joanne, you have no idea how much I'm looking forward to presenting a similar list in four years' time once reality sets in on the O, except my math will be better.

OK, Sol, it's a date. :-)

A couple of recommendations, historian Andrew Roberts and defense analyst Thomas Donnelly.

h/t Edward Feser's blog, which also has a well written piece.

Great links.

Of course, Joanne, we'll be getting started on that list right away.

A weakening of banking regulations that contributed to the sub-prime mess

Please go back and Look at Carter's legislation and then Clinton's and while you're about it read up on what Bush said in 2003 about F Mae, the congressional record of 2005 when McCain complained about Fanny M.
And include the behaviour of certain Congressmen towards the banks ......and all those Dems who took millions out of the F Ms.

What the hell, I'm not an American so why worry? Just don't pass your cold onto me.

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