
Thursday, October 16, 2008

From the Republican Jewish Coalition:

Obama Campaign Withdraws From Two Jewish Debates - Will they duck debates in Philadelphia, Los Angeles, New York and Cleveland?

Washington, D.C. (October 16, 2008) -- The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) Executive Director Matt Brooks issued the following statement today:

Now that the Presidential debates are over, the Obama campaign is trying to cancel all remaining debates in the Jewish community that include the Republican Jewish Coalition.

Claiming they do not like recent RJC advertisements, the Obama campaign has formally instructed all of its representatives to cancel their scheduled appearances with any representative of the RJC. Former Congressman Mel Levine (CA) yesterday informed the Valley Cities Jewish Community Center that he would no longer show up for his scheduled debate this Sunday against RJC California Director Larry Greenfield. State Representative Josh Shapiro (PA) informed Temple Sinai that he would not participate in a forum with RJC Philadelphia Director Scott Feigelstein.

"The RJC is deeply troubled by this effort on the part of the Obama campaign to stifle and limit a debate on the important issues facing our country," said Brooks. "More than anything the Jewish community values dialogue. What is the Obama campaign afraid of? Why is the Obama campaign afraid to have this conversation?"

"With their recently enacted policy of not debating representatives of the RJC, the Obama campaign has underscored Senator Obama's problems in the Jewish community. It is unfortunate that the Obama campaign is unwilling and afraid to have a candid conversation in the Jewish community on the issues of great concern to Jewish voters," said Brooks.

"Throughout this campaign, the RJC has highlighted the truth about Obama's positions, his statements and his advisers. Every point raised in our ads is sourced, cited and has previously been reported in the media. We ask legitimate questions about Obama's policies towards Israel, the Middle East and Iran. Our ads have raised legitimate concerns over Obama's associations with Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Robert Malley, Tony McPeak and David Bonior. If the Obama campaign is unhappy with our ads, then Senator Obama should never have associated with these individuals in the first place," Brooks added.

"Currently, the RJC is scheduled to participate in 29 debates between now and the election. In keeping with the long-standing tradition of Jewish dialogue, we look forward to these opportunities to engage the Jewish community on the critical issues," said Brooks.

The One's representatives would be far better off actually making the case that something in the RJC's ads is actually false. But they can't, because they're not.

You think ex-President Jimmy Carter has been a nightmare? Just wait until you meet ex-President Barack Obama -- when he's not running for anything anymore and he can go back to being friends with the likes of Rashid Khalidi, Ali Abunimah, Khalid al Mansour and Rev. Wright.

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The sales job continues: Emanuel to rabbis: US 'screwed up' The Obama administration has "screwed up the messaging" about its support for Israel over the past 14 months, and it will take "more than one month to make up for... Read More


More withdrawal from debate, John Murtha runs scared in Pennsylvania.

please forward this to everyone you can, esp your jewish publications/organizations.

the jewish community needs to know that debate is being silenced by the obamatons.

hopefully, the more the jewish people hear about this, they will want debates.

my concern is the kool-aide drunk yids for uhbama actually support this.

one friend of mine refers to the rjc as a fringe group. can you believe that? a republican jew is a fringey?

that's where we've sunk to, people.

let em debate!!!!!!!

A debate was actually arranged in my town, and I was to give the McCain-Palin position on Israel.
Sure enough, the Obama rep chickened out at the last minute because they honestly do not want to be confronted with the facts, i.e., that Obama's entire foreign policy advisory team are either anti-Semites or self-hating Jews who will NOT be good for Israel - and that they DO reflect the candidate's real views.

I'm hoping for another chance at a debate, but I frankly doubt it will happen because, hey, you can't defend the indefensible, i.e., Obama "really" being pro-Israel when he isn't.

Please read this information about the use of hypnosis by Barach Obama. this is scary!

This is really scary, as majority of jews are democrats. There's also this great "Schlep" campaign going on that is being supported by Sarah Silverman with younger jewish population going to their grandparents to convince them to vote for the Messiah. The left is everything that jewish culture is not - they support abortions, they support gay marriage. As one smart man said Judaism is about Torah, Family, Holidays and not bagels with lox cream cheese and Woody Allen. People need to wake up. This is all to similar to the pre-war Nazi Germany.


Debates are important and necessary, but groups like RJC (as well as more progressive Jewish groups) have agendas. This argument would hold more water (for me at least) is there was equal outrage over Sarah Palin's refusal to hold a press conference and answer questions.

On the matter of liberal Jews, you said:

"The left is everything that jewish culture is not - they support abortions, they support gay marriage."

Halakha (Jewish law) does not disallow abortion, in fact, it is an exceptable option. Now the matter of gay marriage. Conservative Judaism, which is grounded in halakha, allows gay marriage. Now, if you are are frum and don't except this ruling, feel free to disagree with me. But please give me some halakhic reasoning, not just "this is what I think Judaism is".

And what's wrong with bagels and cream cheese being part of Jewish culture. It's kosher and is a minhagim brought form the old country.


Please, please read: http//

That any Jew would even consider voting for the Muslim plant, hater of Jews, is beyond reason. These low life fake American Jews probably think the Holocaust never happened. As a Jew, I have the utmost contempt for any Jew who would vote for this fraud supported and funded by terrorists, supporters of terrorism and venal Jew haters. You degenerates make me sick, but your day will come. In Israel it's never again, among the treasonous Jews in America it's once again, please.

To all conservative Jews in America, turn your backs on the traitorous cowards, God will deal with them and it wont be pretty.

Jews have not been so divided in the last 2000 yrs...There is no doubt in my mind that Iran will start up with Israel, but I don't think they will nuke directly. They will make matters such that the other nations will have to choke off the Israelis lest THEY be "Hey there Italy! We've got a guy with a suitcase near the Vatican....stop doing business with Israel or the the Vatican will look like Chernobyl", ..etc etc. No doubt in my mind, Biden knows something sinister awaits...The crux of the matter was not "there will be a crisis". The crux of the matter is what he said right after that.
we will witness a further split among US Jews as a result.


Muzlims threatening to attack other nations?

I can't belive it! /sarc

If muzlims threaten to bomb the Vatican, certainly a well measured threat to bomb Mecca, Medina and Qom, for starters, would be appropriate.


You need to check up on your sources. According to halakha aborting an existing fetus is unequivocally prohibited. Though a Jew who kills a fetus is not punished by the judicial system as a murderer, he has nonetheless violated the prohibition of murder. It is like the case of one who has killed a treifa (an individual with a fatal wound or defect); he is not liable for capital punishment, though he has violated the prohibition on murder and is liable for divine retribution. Ancillary to Homicide (senif retzicha). Abortion would fall under a category similar to "improper emission of seed," an act which is viewed by the Talmud (Nidda 13a) as tantamount to "the shedding of blood" and one about which Maimonides (Hilkhot Issurei Biah 21:18) writes, "Not only is it a grave prohibition, but he who acts in this manner should sit in a state of excommunication; of him Scripture says: 'Your hands are full of blood' and it is as if he had killed a human being."
As far as gay marriage is concerned, halakha only recognizes one type of union, kiddushin, or betrothal, in which a Jewish man and women are joined in front of two halakhically observant individuals. It includes the blessing over wine; the birkat erusin, the betrothal blessing; the drinking of wine by the bride and groom; and the giving of a ring by the groom to the bride as he recites "Harei at mekudeshet li b'taba'at zo k'dat Moshe v'Yisrael," ("With this ring you are now betrothed to me by the faith of Moses and Israel”).
Any other form of union is meaningless in the eyes of halakhah.

So, your argument doesn't hold water.

You all need to see this referenced link. You may already know about this, but I though you should be warned about Obama and what may take place in early 2009. I'm not jewis, but I do support Israel.

Shalom David!
I`m a Christian Zionist, who bless Gods people, the Jew.
Sorry, for my bad English, I`m from Europe. Yes there is some Zionist there to.
Abortion: The Scripture are very clear, that we are created in the image of God.
Genesis 1:26.
We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their CREATOR, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
Marriage: The Scripture also is very clear that God set in marriage as å union of Adam and Eva, to get children.
Genesis 2:24.
Obama is antiisrael.
He `s pastor Jeremiah Wright, is anti-Semitic, he blame the Israel and the Jew for 9/11. Obama has also many anti-Semitic friends and advisers. And Obams foreign police is clear antiisrael.
Look her:

Barack Obama''s Middle East Expert

The Audacity of Questioning Obama''s Commitment to Israel
Samantha Power and Obama''s Foreign Policy Team

More Amateur Hour Diplomacy Power Resigns

Why are majority of American Jews supporting Obama? Do they hat Israel?
I believe that the Obama movement, in deepness is a antizionst movement. Because the fare left, blame Israel for the war, jihadterror , European and Islamic anti-Americanism, and more. And they hat Bush ( who is a god friend of Israel).

Thank you.

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