
Saturday, October 25, 2008

Here's that must-read that's been going around, by ABC News columnist, Michael S. Malone: Editing Their Way to Oblivion: Journalism Sacrificed For Power and Pensions

...The sheer bias in the print and television coverage of this election campaign is not just bewildering, but appalling. And over the last few months I've found myself slowly moving from shaking my head at the obvious one-sided reporting, to actually shouting at the screen of my television and my laptop computer.

But worst of all, for the last couple weeks, I've begun -- for the first time in my adult life -- to be embarrassed to admit what I do for a living. A few days ago, when asked by a new acquaintance what I did for a living, I replied that I was "a writer", because I couldn't bring myself to admit to a stranger that I'm a journalist...

...I watched with disbelief as the nation's leading newspapers, many of whom I'd written for in the past, slowly let opinion pieces creep into the news section, and from there onto the front page. Personal opinions and comments that, had they appeared in my stories in 1979, would have gotten my butt kicked by the nearest copy editor, were now standard operating procedure at the New York Times, the Washington Post, and soon after in almost every small town paper in the U.S.

But what really shattered my faith - and I know the day and place where it happened - was the War in Lebanon three summers ago. The hotel I was staying at in Windhoek, Namibia only carried CNN, a network I'd already learned to approach with skepticism. But this was CNN International, which is even worse. I sat there, first with my jaw hanging down, then actually shouting at the TV, as one field reporter after another reported the carnage of the Israeli attacks on Beirut, with almost no corresponding coverage of the Hezbollah missiles raining down on northern Israel. The reporting was so utterly and shamelessly biased that I sat there for hours watching, assuming that eventually CNNi would get around to telling the rest of the story . . .but it never happened.

But nothing, nothing I've seen has matched the media bias on display in the current Presidential campaign. Republicans are justifiably foaming at the mouth over the sheer one-sidedness of the press coverage of the two candidates and their running mates. But in the last few days, even Democrats, who have been gloating over the pass - no, make that shameless support - they've gotten from the press, are starting to get uncomfortable as they realize that no one wins in the long run when we don't have a free and fair press. I was one of the first people in the traditional media to call for the firing of Dan Rather - not because of his phony story, but because he refused to admit his mistake - but, bless him, even Gunga Dan thinks the media is one-sided in this election...

Go ahead and read it all, as they say.

What we're tasting is the fruit of all those people who got into journalism to "make a difference," and are now in the positions of power in the industry, who no longer believe that straight facts and fairness are sufficient. After all, these are people who have been raised with good liberal-elite contempt for their fellow Americans, and therefore their fellow Americans can't simply be entrusted to make their own decisions, they must be guided. They have been reared on the Michael Moore school of patriotism, where fellow citizens are mere objects of scorn and contempt, to be looked down on and derided. The coastal elites no longer share the values of the rest of the country, so the rest of the country can't be entrusted with the mere facts themselves for fear of what their value system may make of them. They have to be lead to the proper conclusions.

Facts? Fairness? It's your agenda and your intent that make you you, and your results that tell you whether you're a success when you get up and look in the mirror.

The media elites actually think they haven't been biased enough on Iraq and the War on Terror and that they were insufficiently biased when it came to the last two elections (imagine!), so this time they're throwing caution to the wind. As Malone calls it, it's a Hail Mary pass this time around. "After all," says Malone, " newspapers and network news are doomed anyway."

Not quite so fast, though. As powerful as the blogosphere and alternate media (including conservative talk) has become, it's not there yet. The mainstream opinion leaders (the opinion of the great moderate middle that dictates the outcome of elections) are still the major papers and the big networks. As good at agitation as the blogosphere has become, the real coup is only achieved when a scoop breaks the bonds of the blogosphere's gravity and makes orbit in the MSM. When LGF caught Rather and Mapes trying to pass of faked documents, the find achieved success when it became so big that the blogosphere could no longer contain it anymore. Only after it hit orbit in the mainstream was CBS forced to take note and toast Rather.

How will we know when the alternative media has come of age? I'll give you one indicator. If John McCain manages to pull out a win in this election, it will show that the mainstream media is no longer the gate-keeper it once was. It will show the presence of an enormous bloc so influential that pollsters will have to recalibrate how they do their calculations. It will show that all the information floating on the internet that the MSM has downplayed and hidden from sight actually find its mark in a sufficient number of voters' fingers. And that will change the whole game.

If it doesn't happen the game's not over of course. It just means we're not there yet. (And too bad, because an Obama presidency will move the country so far over to the left that it will take the range of acceptable along with it so far that we may never recover from it -- but that's an entirely different subject.)


Solomon -
I did a search here for the post where you note the online constitution of the PLO hadn't changed as the left continually claims via Oslo.. ie... at that meeting (90s?) they never actually did it and then it got tabled...
however, that link to Fatah doesn't appear to be good anymore, maybe they smartened up and took it off line... can you provide any current or new links for this?
Here are 2 other posts you had regarding but I couldn't find the dates of these posts? the one above is from January 2006... note the JPost article citing the Kadoumi quote is no longer valid either?

The constitution is various places:

I guess you'd have to search a bit to find an Arab source.

The first linked JPost article is from April 22, 2004. An abstract is here:

Here's the full:

The second one is from 1/28/08

I am so happy to finally find someone who feels this way too. I have been screaming at my TV for months now. I felt like a voice in the wilderness. The overpowering nature of the bias in the media is astounding. It has even creeped into everyday life. My wife has to lie about her political affiliations in order to avoid harassment at her job in a public library. Sometimes I think the whole country has gone nuts.

I agree. The media has become an arm of the DNC. Joe Biden made the biggest GAFFE in Debate History when he misquoted the US Constitution claiming Article 1 was executive branch. This went under the radar. Or did it? MSM ignored it.

I want to second Joe's comment. Here in Boston, I find that many people simply assume that I'm a registered Democrat, as they start bad-mouthing Bush, Repulicans, etc. When I voice disagreement and try to talk about the issues, the discussion usually stops abruptly and awkwardly.

This is the effect of propaganda, a herd mentality that brutally forces people to either side with the herd or be marginalized as an extremist.

both of the links at myths and facts to the fateh or pna charter etc... come back as bad links as well... ie... the fateh charter does not appear to be on line any longer. As of July 19 2005
As of July 19 2005

Beat me to it. Yes, was down when I checked yesterday. Here's the whole history of the page:*/

Who knew that Mr. Peabody and his boy Sherman were so influential?

Thanks man.. that clown Richard Silverstein is still proffering today that the PLO officially accepted Israel's existence at the time of Oslo... it's amazing!!

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