
Sunday, October 26, 2008

It's a shame, but I have reached the point of no longer having the time to blog as I once did -- life has too many other demands at this point. So I'm quitting the blogging life, perhaps for good, perhaps just for a time.

I don't need to expand much on the depressing political developments probably coming our way -- a large step backwards to about 30 or 40 years ago -- in the form of Barack Obama, his movement, and the flunky journalist class that surrounds and protects him. Falsely sold as an agent of change, Obama in reality is the politics of Boomer nostalgia made flesh and dwelling among us, as well as a false messiah of the panicked establishment now filling his campaign coffers. It's older voters and older Boomers who are his core supporters. He's not the future, but very much the past, nicely scripted and teleprompted.

My post at Kavanna discusses these points at some length. It would take too long to expand on the disastrous foreign policy consequences of an Obama presidency, but I don't think I need to. Just think of Jimmy Carter, but multiply by three or five. Maybe JC himself will be back. As for the financial crisis: the problems created by too much debt cannot be solved by more borrowing. Politicians' new false promises can't undo the damage done by past false promises.

If we had a free press in America -- ah, but we don't. What we have instead is a class of would-be courtiers and lackeys, all primping themselves to serve as Obamamerica's unpaid Ministry of Popular Enlightenment. The conventional media is a junk-food banquet in which most of the dishes are poisoned. The best thing you can do is the simplest: turn it off.

This is Binah, signing off, till who knows when.

POSTSCRIPT: How could I forget "blogal warming"? :) Good news to report here: more and more scientists are publicly rejecting the idea, as the negative evidence keeps piling up. Don't ignore your personal experience: the last two years really have been colder. The polar regions, especially the Antarctic, are cooling. The connection to the Sun's weakening magnetism can no longer be disputed, even if it is not yet understood.

It's refreshing to see scientists responding to evidence and ignoring mistaken computer models. If only Wall Street had taken this to heart earlier ....


Thank you for your great blog

Binah - yes, thanks also for your great posts here!

Thank you for reading my posts and your comments.

I might return to blogging some time next year. I suspect that the world will be a very different place by then.

I was saddened to hear of Dean Barnett's passing.

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