
Friday, October 31, 2008

CNN: Marine motorcycle deaths top their Iraq combat fatalities

Motorcycle accidents have killed more Marines in the past 12 months than enemy fire in Iraq, a rate that's so alarming it has prompted top brass to call a meeting to address the issue, officials say.

Twenty-five Marines have died in motorcycle crashes since last November -- all but one of them involving sport bikes that can reach speeds of well over 100 mph, according to Marine officials. In that same period, 20 Marines have been killed in action in Iraq.

The 25 deaths are the highest motorcycle death toll ever for the Marine Corps...

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» Liberals and the Surge at the blog Solomonia

Further to the story that US Marine deaths in motorcycle accidents have exceeded combat deaths, Peter Wehner has an excellent look back at who said what and when to put waste to our efforts in Iraq: ...Eugene Robinson of the... Read More

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