
Friday, September 12, 2008

What's one to do on a Friday afternoon when one's work (OK, most of it) is done? Why, a spot of the old photoshop, of course.

We've all heard the story of the boat ride to Gaza, and followed the travails of Tony Blair's publicity-mad sister in law, Lauren Booth, as she gallivants about the Gaza Strip, attempting to stir up attention to herself the horrors of Gaza. Trouble is, the pictures don't really seem to match the narrative.

I was particularly inspired by these two shots showing Booth buying supplies in a rather well-stocked Gaza supermarket, particularly the first, which shows off the scope of Booth's...attributes (if anyone is hungry in Gaza, it sure ain't Lauren Booth):

laurenshopping1.jpg laurenshopping2.jpg

Click on either for the larger version. So what's a boy to do? Why, break out the photoshop, that's what:

Click for full size.


If you'd like to make your own, Here is a ready-made cut-out of Booth on an easy white background for your convenience. Don't feel you have to paste Booth into creative settings, you may want to take on one of the many other photos of Booth to get creative with. This one and especially this one are just begging for it.

If you do decide to craft your own, feel free to send me the pic and I will add it to this post, or link to it at your site. Remember, immature and tasteless is one thing (and perfectly encouraged), vicious is quite creative, be funny.

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» Lauren Booth: Casual Liar at the blog Solomonia

Lisa Goldman is far too cozy with Jeff Halper for my taste, but her knowledge of the crossings to Gaza is clearly deep, and her ability to sift for transparent nonsense is formidable...and transferable to us. An excellent expose of... Read More

Here's video of her "reversion" announcement (Via IsraellyCool): Booth is Tony Blair's sister in law, the lying Israel hater who has crossed our pages many, many times before. Speaking of that video, I know I've made fun of her eating... Read More


Here's another photo of Booth. Her resemblance to Sally Struthers is amazing

She could really lose some weight off her hips. Sorry, I know that's not really relevant...

To me, lauren booth looks like cindy sheehan - both nuts, both liars.

"She could really lose some weight off her hips. Sorry, I know that's not really relevant..."

Oh no, that is rather the point of the whole exercise (or lack thereof as it were).

I just noticed in one of the photos that the overstocked Gaza grocery store takes Master Card.

Many stores and restaurants in Russia and central Europe only take cash, because their economies aren't solid enough (and there's too many computer hackers) for them to take credit. The Gaza economy must be thriving..

The Palis are the tools of the Arab/Muslim world and nobody will admit that fact. Allahu Snakbar.

I like the one of the Ethiopians and the South Park dude - hilarious!

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