
Monday, September 22, 2008

Partisan bloggers say: "That's not funny. It is utter filth"

At the Power Line News Forum, IronDioPriest says:

OK. This is it. I HATE the Left. The Left is showing itself to be the embodiment of evil on this earth. Satan's playthings. All you liberals can kiss my a$$. Your protestations mean absolutely nothing to me. You are all one and the same in my mind now. You are all my enemies, and you will all rot in the same hell.

Freedom Eden says: Saturday Night Live went WAY over the line in a skit on the September 20 show.

They both seem to have read this World Net Daily article on the offending skit:

Palin family 'incest' joked about on NBC
'Saturday Night Live' skit suggests husband of VP candidate has sex with own daughters

A week after a high-profile send-up of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin on "Saturday Night Live," the NBC comedy show returned to making fun of the Alaskan governor in a skit where New York Times reporters sought to probe the possibility Palin's husband was having sex with the couple's own daughters...

Okay, I'm totally opposed to the press invading people's private lives and/or making up stupid stories. I also think SNL has a lefty bias. But I saw the Saturday Night Live skit discussed at World Net Daily, and it was dead-on. The whole thing was a parody of how clueless and provincial NY Times writers can be.

I wish I could find the video (according to WND, the clip of the incest sketch was never posted online). The skit starts sets the mood with the with the best joke. The editor, played by Franco, announces that he's taking his best investigative reporters off of their current assignments and putting them on the Palin beat.

One reporter raises his hand and says: "..but I'm working on a report about the current crisis at Lehman Brothers"

The editor says "...that's not important, Lehman isn't going anywhere."

So, are we supposed to see this editor as a fact-based kind of guy? Of course not.

One female Times writer is infamous for making a fortune over bogus sexual harrassment suits. One Times writer weeps when he discovers that there is only one psychoanalyst in Alaska (he sees his NY-based analysts at least twice a day). None of the writers can drive, and one had irrational fears of polar bear attacks. Most abandoned the assignment when they heard that there were few taxis and no Thai takeout in Alaska. The Palin incest rumor was provided as another example of the Times' general cluelessness.

If the media had never spread rumors about incest within the Palin family, SNL could possibly deserve a lot of grief for making this grotesque suggestion. But the media did spread those lies, and SNL was obviously parodying them.

Get a grip, people.

UPDATE: Found it! Here's the SNL video of the NY Times parody, thanks to Allah at Hot Air who says:

Think of it as a comic rendering of Saturday night's quotes of the day. Pretty funny -- you'll laugh, more than once -- but not as gratifying as it would have been if they'd zeroed in on the smearmongering.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Sorry, the skit has been removed. According to YouTube, it's no longer available due to a copyright claim by NBC Universal

YET ANOTHER UPDATE: Welcome Ann Coulter readers!


Time for another update.

"This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by NBC Universal"

(Sigh.) SNL's season opening sketch with Tina Fey as Sarah Palin from last week has been posted on YouTube hundreds of times with no complaint or copyright claims. Double standard?

I just googled it and it looks like there is a huge sh**storm over this. Someone is talking to lawyers..

Congrats. This post got linked at

I don't know what to think about the availability/unavailability of the skit online. I always have trouble finding SNL skits online (the handful of times I've looked), but it's true they've allowed low-res versions of the "news conference" to stay out there.

You all have to get used to the fact that Ann Coulter will be married soon. You have to come to terms with this and let go. You have to come to terms that eventually woman choose mates and marry and you have no decision or any say in this. If she is your daughter then you do, but we know this is NOT THEIR DAUGHTER! The incest skit was a smear on Ann Coulter and this is the blog which generated it to attack the near trauma of her being married soon. It happens in life, get over it. However, this is why they are suggesting that skit. It has to do with a love letter to Ann Coulter from her life long crush and boyfriend.

Here is the actual love letter to suggest some metaphor of a man and woman is incest:

Read this story it is incredible (even the conservatives are fingered as tormented, jealous, derranged, and self destructive). Let's see how they respond to this silence because silence implies something is going on. Bad parents...

The liberals slogan schould be "how low can the liberals go". This is outrageous. They must think were stupid. I think they schould have a skit were obama is under a temple and hes wearing a toga. His voters and media kiss his big fat ring and are bowing down to him. Then ayers comes out and says I have bought you another house my god. Ayers and everybody say god obama god obama while bowing.Biden comes out. Then obama and biden says higher taxes for everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats practically what they do anyway.

Everyone knows partisan liberal bloggers screw in hot tubs.

I know it's disgusting. The feeling we get - as good people - when we see OUT-AND-OUT-EVIL reign without ridicule.

But we have to look at it this way: They HATE Sarah Palin. They HATE that she connects with more women, more REAL women than Hillary does.

They have run out of legitimate "concerns." They can't run with "inexperience" because; after all, look who their front-runner is. They can't run on "corruption" because "Troopergate" investigators CONVENIENTLY waited two months to run with the investigation trying to get Palin back to Alaska and attempt to drag it on for weeks keeping her off the campaign trail.

We saw phony investigations before, remember? Investigations and indictments that took good Republicans away from Americans that loved them. Tom Delay comes to mind. It's been three years since Ronnie Earle indicted him - and where is it now? Miraculously though, the indictment occurred within a year of Congressional Elections basically stagnating the House without his excellent leadership.

They know their "investigations" wild card is up. They cannot credibly attack her experience, her record, her results, her approval rating in Alaska.

What they CAN DO is smear. And they will.

There's a "progressive" radio host in Alaska now whose blog is entitled "Turning a Red State Blue" - she is one of the harpies now saying "Sarah Palin thinks she's above the law and subpoenas." After Palin released all the emails proving Monegan was a flop with controlling a budget.

Moreover; if you replaced Monegan's tazered-step son or Palin's father with Rodney King or Sean Bell, suddenly the left's "anti-cop" rhetoric would return!

I wrote on my blog about this woman who is appearing multiple times on Keith Olbermann who is using her as a credible reference. The woman; Shannyn Moore, then contacted me by e-mail last night telling me that she's an "independent" and that it was Palin who went on her show and said "hold me accountable" and that she's disappointed in Palin now because she was always likable before.

Right, with a blog title that says "Turning a Red State Blue" and appearing multiple times on Olbermann, I can see just how "independent" she really is.

I think I will post her reply and let it open for comment.

So in the end, without the liberal smear, Palin would not be the Reaganesque idol we love. Let it play out. We just need to make sure we continue to document it over and over again so that we can appropriately create a "thank you" list to those who contribute to her November victory.

Your take on the SNL skit is correct. I also noticed that the skit didn't get huge laughs. My guess is the studio audience, mostly New Yorkers, presumably, either didn't get that the NYTimes was being skewered, or DID get it, and didn't like it.

It was obvious to me that the "incest" thing was a slam against the NYT - the reporter asserting that incest was taking place ("I mean, c'mon - it's Alaska!") followed by the editor's "admittedly, we have no evidence that it happened. On the other hand, there's no convincing evidence that it didn't happen".

Another slam at the NYT's insularity in the skit - their guy with the MOST Alaska experience had spent one summer there 20 years ago ("so he knows more about Alaska than anyone we've ever heard of").
FWIW, I'm a huge Sarah Palin fan (one of the multitude whose only participation was going to be voting for McCain in November, but now is volunteering gladly). I'd be screaming with the rest of the "partisan bloggers" if I thought any of that skit was really derogatory toward her.

I'm voting for the McCain ticket too.

I am a little uneasy with McCain halting his campaign for now.

Seems a little risky.

Obama winning would be a literal DISASTER for the US and the entire World which depends on the US for leadership.

My guess is the studio audience, mostly New Yorkers, presumably, either didn't get that the NYTimes was being skewered, or DID get it, and didn't like it.

The skit also skewered the attitudes most New Yorkers have about Alaska. Most native New Yorkers see Alaska as "Deliverance" with snow and polar bears. They may not have been laughing because they would also be concerned about being eaten (or worse) and they can't imagine a place without Thai takeout.

Extreme left hand back peddling in progress ... I have a skit idea! How about one about reporters at the NYT tied up in knots over trying to find some sort of convincing evidence from the past to refute a claim on one of those right-wing blogs that Obama's mother was raped by Barry Sr. and couldn't find a doctor to do an abortion? I think that would be hilarious fun. Maybe we can work in Margaret Sanger in there somewhere too because she was still alive then. ... (but of course there would actually have to BE a claim like that in order for the bit to work so.... NEVER MIND!)

You must be kidding - Ann Coulter is NEVER gonna have a husband and kids, for obvious reasons. She's a hypocritical skank and unless she is a 47-year old virgin (hah!!) she's also a whore for having had sex without benefit of marriage. I've got the stones all ready for her stoning and a cattle brand to mark an "A" on her forehead. Any offspring she could ever produce, now that her ovaries are all dried up anyway, would be like Damien from "The Omen", we should all be glad. Also as a self-described "Deadhead" she knows how to light up a bong faster than Van Cliburn could the Minute Waltz.

This is why it was easy for Coulter, a reject from the Catholic Church, to attack "The Witches of New Brunswick" (9/11 widows) as harpies who never loved their husbands for having demanded that the 9/11 Commission's report actually be read by someone in power to expose Bush's sleazy incompetence and lies. These "harpies" appeared at the Democratic National Convention in 2004, but Coulter had nothing to say about the 9/11 widows who appeared at the Republican National Convention the same year.

You must be kidding - Ann Coulter is NEVER gonna have a husband and kids, for obvious reasons. She's a hypocritical skank and unless she is a 47-year old virgin (hah!!) she's also a whore for having had sex without benefit of marriage. I've got the stones all ready for her stoning and a cattle brand to mark an "A" on her forehead. Any offspring she could ever produce, now that her ovaries are all dried up anyway, would be like Damien from "The Omen", we should all be glad. Also as a self-described "Deadhead" she knows how to light up a bong faster than Van Cliburn could play a half-minute waltz.

This is why it was easy for Coulter, a reject from the Catholic Church, to attack "The Witches of New Brunswick" (9/11 widows) as harpies who never loved their husbands for having demanded that the 9/11 Commission's report actually be read by someone in power to expose Bush's sleazy incompetence and lies. These "harpies" appeared at the Democratic National Convention in 2004, but Coulter had nothing to say about the 9/11 widows who appeared at the Republican National Convention the same year.

Ann Coulter is a skilled political strategist who knows how annoy her political enemies (If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him - Sun Tsu)

You, Jamal, are proof that she's good at her job.

I came of age watching SNL...but after the "incest" joke - ha, ha - it seems that the writers and actors show their lack of talent and that they're overflowing with hatred.

Mary: I am not really mad AT Coulter. I just felt like venting - if she can, so can I. I find her increasingly irrelevant since I don't have cable TV and she is more likely to appear on Page Six (the gossip page) of the NY Post than in any serious forum. She is a hypocrite - stepping out with Andrew Stein (a liberal Democrat former NYC politician).

If she is a "skilled political strategist", why hasn't she ever run any politico's campaign? I wonder what became of those voter registration fraud charges against her in Florida. Anybody know??

Jamal Hardiman

If she is a "skilled political strategist", why hasn't she ever run any politico's campaign?

Because her job is to annoy and aggravate the left. Just like Michael Moore's job is to annoy the right.

I can't answer your question because I'm a moderate, so I don't read much of Coulter, or Moore. One saves oneself a lot of time that way...

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