
Friday, August 29, 2008

Lee Kaplan, appearing on the Tovia Singer Show, exposes some of the inside story of the International Solidarity Movement's boat ride to Hamastan with a secret tape made at a Paul Larudee presentation. Kaplan believes Larudee has violated IRS regulations and invites Americans to write the IRS requesting an investigation:

IRS- EO Classification
4910 DAL
1100 Commerce Street
Dallas TX 75242-1198
Attn: Criminal investigations

Audio of Kaplan's appearance. The late Riad Hamad's Palestine Children's Welfare Fund was the "non-profit" being used as "sponsor," but they also collected cash funds for the activists' use.

I don't know the law on this, of course, but it does sound like Larudee is doing his best to weasel around while still remaining within the law. Sure looks like it's worth the IRS taking a look, though. And I'd also be interested in knowing how a major expenditure for a boat trip and almost nothing for actual "welfare" (food and hearing aids) squares with a group's 501c3 status.


It seems that Paul Larudee is legit and hasn't done anything wrong. - IRS Agent Jim Sanders

LaRudee was deported from Israel for assisting Hamas. He served as human shield for Hezbollah that killed 21 US marines. He borught money to
Hamas with the Free Gaza boats. He raised Hamas money with Riad Hamad. I doubt the above was from a real IRS agent, but if it was, he should be replaced but someone competent.

LaRudee was deported from Israel for assisting Hamas. He served as human shield for Hezbollah that killed 241 US marines. He borught money to
Hamas with the Free Gaza boats. He raised Hamas money with Riad Hamad. I doubt the above was from a real IRS agent, but if it was, he should be replaced but someone competent.

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