
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

This has been floating around for a few days already, but I've only just watched it. You know I don't make purely religious arguments for anything having to do with Israel, but it all depends on the audience. Given the audience in question here, I think this appearance by Mordechai Kedar of the Arabic Studies Department at Bar-Ilan University is a gem. He has the right approach given where he's sitting -- in front of an audience with a strong respect for history and strength. Exactly right, and schooling that interviewer on what's in the Koran is priceless:

[h/t: Israeli Girl]

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Mordechai Kedar, the guy who schooled an Al Jazeera reporter on his own religion's history and has written on the subject before, writes again on the fact that Jerusalem's importance to the 'Ummah' is a pure political fabrication: The myth... Read More

Mordechai Kedar: A Jewish and Non-Legitimate State... Read More


You will notice that, apart from failing to thank his guest at the end of the interview, the interviewer does not make an effort to address his interviewee by his correct name and honorific. He is "Sayid Mordechai", Mr. Morchechai, not Professor Keidar.

Significant lapse in a honour/shame culture.

I saw this comedy show before.

thanksgod jeruslem is not mentioned in the quran.
this has a deep meaning to observerse of the quran.
although yes its not mentioned, but al aqsa mosque is mentioned.

you know why, because god knows what will happen in the future and his prophet know what would happen in jeruslim, and we know exactly the ending by the way.

and Mr. murdokhi, were where you born.....?
under al aqsa mosqye or somewhere in europe.

didnt goldamier in the Un say she wanted jews to come to israel...ok let the palestenians come who lived there and around the occupied lands.

and the medina situation...

its really funney how suddenly the jews of madina get this importance.

.. let him read history and know that there was only one tribe of jews ( who were essentially the essence that were chastased from judia and samaria) that was slaughterd....the other jews tribes were not...and that was for a reason.

I know if his american masters that dont condemend the qana massacare by israel or the building of settlments didnt save his country he wouldnt be speeking like this.

and know america wants arabs to cry with them for 9/11.

god help him to at least not believe his lie.

To be objective,

Condi condemns the settlments in the west bank when they come beging for cheap oil or when they want to launch an attack on arabic country ( iraq and afganstan, and the suger factory in sudan that they bombed)


You are a fake, phoney, fraud.

Your ability to spell and compose a sentence is either "bad", FAKE, or "good" FAKE.

Tell your dumb friends this...

"iff the United State of America sufer a nucler atack, Macca, Medina and Qom will be destoryed in retaliation. That mean No More Hajj ever again. Insallah."

I just watched the interview.

WOW! Mordechai Kedar AKHBAR!

Professor Modechai Kedar is my HERO.

Professor Kedar apologetically tells it like it is, in Arabic, no translators, on "All that Jazzera".

It's like "Point. Counterpoint".

Oops. I meant to say "UNapologetically".

I hope Americans forgive this immigrant and bibi for distroying their credibiliy and interest in the arab and muslim world.

build anyware? its a cultural problem and conflict with israel from acadamia to settlers to politicians who are trashing the USA interests for settlers interests.

nice to see this man again.

by the way qatar can build any ware and lately it built ALQuds Endowment tower.

+ Kedar wont appear agian in Aljazeera just like Bibi didnt appear on the White house photos.

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