
Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Just got back from giving a breakfast talk on the blogosphere for CAMERA at the offices of Wolf Greenfield way up high inside the Federal Reserve building in downtown Boston.

I got up extra early to beat the traffic and ended up with an easy drive. We discussed the history of the blogosphere, marveled as our old Pest of Zion pal Seva got gobbed all over again, and toured a couple of the FAUXtography examples from the Lebanon War of '06 as we explored what it all means.

So much to talk about, so little time...

A little over 20 years ago I took a year from college and got a job doing data entry for an insurance company on the sixth floor of that building. Like writing for the New York Times, the job took no brainpower (haha), so I remember long days staring out the window at the milk bottle, watching tourists throw crates of tea into the harbor and haul them back up on a rope from the Tea Party ship, mentally composing my first inaugural address (I forget it), deriving a philosophical explanation for the nature of existence after death (remember some of it -- think Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance), and seeing how many planes you could see on runway approach to Logan at the same time by their lights in the evening (6).

Thanks again to CAMERA and Wolf Greenfield for hosting, and thanks to all who came.

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