
Friday, April 18, 2008

Just a note that I'm not able to access email at the moment, so if you sent me anything since last night I won't be seeing it until the problem is resolved. Seems to be an issue with server loads and the ongoing Instalanche. This is pretty unusual, as prior traffic surges have never caused any issues, but I guess that's the way things roll some times. Host says they're working on it. At least the site is still up.

If you have something you absolutely, positively need to get to me about, use the IM contacts on my About & Contact page or use my backup email at martinsolomon =at= gmail =daught= com.

Update: All appears to be back to normal, after a mostly wasted day. It's tough to do any real blogging without email because you feel like you're flying blind in many ways. (You feel like your inbox is full of messages telling you about all the mistakes and issues you missed -- on the other hand, maybe it's just a convenient excuse for a day off.)

My hosting service has generally been quite good, but sometimes when you have an issue it's a matter of getting it looked at by just the right person. Isn't that always the way?

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