
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Brad Greenberg has a blog post and new 2000 word piece on the aftermath of the Daphna Ziman / Rev. Lee episode.

Much dialogging and interfaith sedering are planned.


Dear Daphna,I am spending Pesach in Israel.I am also the Founder of the Mensch Foundational International. I wish to do a program with you,please write to my e-mail: or you may reach me in Budapest after the 21st @ 3630 503 4706.Shalom@Hag Sameach,Steve/Gingy

When I read Daphna's version of the event I was amazed. It just shows me how far we still have to evolve before we can give peace a true chance. Unbeknownst to her Daphna has shown us a classic example of how the universal law of correspondence works, which says that “anything that upsets me in another person is something that is in me and that I have not accepted in me”. The other person only mirrors back to me what I still have to recognize, transcend, evolve and love. When we carefully examine the description of Daphna’s experience we see that both parties (Daphna as well as Rev. E. Lee) are deeply steeped in “tribal identity” which is one of the most powerful tool that the ego uses to create disharmony and war with others. When we cling so strongly to tribal identity we operate from the lowest level of consciousness. The word tribe goes beyond the old Jewish interpretation of the word tribe, but applies to any group like country, race, religion, color, region, age group, sexual orientation, etc . Therefore it is also often called “cavemen mentality” as it either leads to “my tribe is better than yours or at least it is more special” or to extreme victimhood (see how both parties loudly claim victimhood in this experience!).

It is one thing to honor, respect, appreciate and even celebrate the environment or people we grew up in or we like to associate with. But it is something quite different if we find our main identity in our “tribe” because the true essence of every human being is much, much larger than any limiting tribe can ever be. And if we want to evolve it is much wiser to transcend and identify with this True Larger Essence in us (which binds us together with every other human being on this earth on totally equal basis).

If we truly want peace (not just justification or justice for our own particular tribe) we have to transcend and think larger and bigger. For instance, tribal identity is what has brought war to Europe for thousands of years. But finally countries like France, Italy, Germany and many others transcended their small limiting identity and the United Europe was formed. That can only happen when people are willing to grow and expand their own identity further than their immediate family and tribe. Albert Einstein put it so perfectly when he said: “The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of consciousness with which we created them.” All the wars, hatred of other people, borders, separations etc. etc. are a result of narrow tribal thinking and identification (Albert Einstein repeatedly said: that patriotism and nationalism are the infantilism of mankind). Sooner or later we all have to transcend this consciousness and then we will be able to solve the many sad problems of this world. But it is important not to wait for the other person (or other tribe) to change first. Once we recognize that only a change of consciousness is the answer to all our problems WE are the ones who have to make the change first – even if it hurts or doesn’t seem to be fair.

If we fail to change first we can easily fall into the same trap as Daphna did when she used the second universal law of projection which says that whatever we don’t love in ourselves we project onto others (like a movie image onto a screen). She projected her own tribal identity on Obama and feared that he would also use his own tribal identity if we became President. As far as I know AIPAC has grilled Obama as much as Hillary and has not confirmed Daphna’s fears.

I am sure that Daphna is a wonderful leader in the community and has done great charity work and truly deserves to be honored for her engagement. But her perspective on the event shows us how much more we all have to transcend before true change can happen.

Thanks again for your email. It is a magnificent example of how the universal laws work in our lives. But once we become aware of them we can then respond to the situations instead of emotionally react – like Daphna and Rev. Lee did at this event.
Hans Wilhelm

Seems to me that everybody is walking on eggshells here. If Reverend Lee believes his reputation has been damaged, he should of course be entitled to financial recompense. Not to exceed lowest coin of the realm, i.e., one cent.

Frankly, there is some solace to be derived from the fact that someone might believe his reputation was damaged because he was suspected of being an antisemite. After Carter, Tutu, Walt and Mearsheimer, and more recently Rev. Wright, it would appear that the suspicion of being antisemitic is some sort of an accolade and a badge of courage!

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