
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Just another day on Hamas Public Television...


MEMRI TV: Hamas Cleric Wael Al-Zarad Calls for the Annihilation of Jews and States: If Each Arab Spat on the Jews, They Would Drown in Arab Spit

Following are excerpts from a TV program featuring Palestinian cleric Wael Al-Zarad, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on February 28, 2008:

To view MEMRI TV Page on Al-Aqsa TV click here.

Wael Al-Zarad: In short, these are the Jews. As Muslims, our blood vengeance against them will only subside with their annihilation, Allah willing, because they tried to kill our Prophet several times....

...What should we do with these people? What is the best solution for them? Should it be by shamelessly bestowing kisses, regardless of our religion and our morals, on satellite TV and in clear view of the whole world? Should it be through futile meetings, which are usually conducted on carpets red with the blood of martyrs? Or should it be through an exchange of despicable smiles and ugly handshakes?...

...What is the best solution for these people, who have perpetrated every possible thing against us? They have destroyed our homes, killed our children, taken our land, and plundered our resources. They have turned our mosques into pubs and bars, where they drink alcohol and get women drunk. From the dome of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, they proclaim that Ezra the Scribe is the son of God...

...By Allah, people, the Jews do not deserve such a fuss. They do not deserve to be feared. The Jews are not a terrorizing bogeyman. The Jews are nothing but human scum, who came as scattered gangs to occupy our land. By Allah, if each and every Arab spat on them, they would drown in Arab spit. By Allah, if each and every Muslim spat on them, they would drown in saliva. By Allah, if the Arabs and Muslims turned into flies, the Jews would die from their buzzing. Therefore, my dear brothers, the Jews do not deserve to be feared so much. Therefore, I ask with pain and sorrow: Isn't there a single reasonable man in any of the Arab air forces? Isn't there a single reasonable man among them, who will break through these aerial borders, and bomb the Jews deep in their own land? Where are all the Arabs and Muslims?



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Hey Sol;

The MSM will probably identify this 'cleric' as moderate. Their rationale will be that he referred to Jews as people and humans several times. That could be interpreted as an improvement over calling Jews non-humans, instead referring to Jews as pigs and monkeys.

Perhaps al-Zarad will even get in trouble with Hamas because of this slip of the tongue. I guess that would be expecting too much. Oh well, I take comfort in my grandfather's response when called a rather uncomplimentary name about his Irish/Catholic heritage. He simply replied that he had been called worse names by better people.

Call me what you will, but I wouldn't cry if he fell down the stairs and broke his neck.

Ah. The "Religon of Peace" as exemplified by a "holy man".

Again, NOT a cartoon or a puppet show or Muslim actors portraying Jews, but a honest Muslim cleric, in his own words, racist, fascist, islamosupremecist, islamoimperialist.

He and his fellow racists long for the "good old days" when Jews knew their place.

If the UN was an honest body it would censure hamas, but the UN has been hijacked by islamofascism and dhimmi oil addicted countries.

Much admires himself, no doubt.

Represents but one of the reasons why the Arab world, at least the Muslim Arab world, has such a thick and virtually impregnably calloused conscience - assuming conscience, in any very positive sense, is the appropriate word in the first place.

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