
Thursday, February 21, 2008

But it's OK, because she's a fighter for "social justice.":

Professor Madonna Constantine has been sanctioned by Teachers College for plagiarism, according to a memo obtained by Spectator Tuesday evening. The memo, dated Feb. 18, was hand-delivered to professors on the Office of the President's stationery.

TC confirmed in a statement later Tuesday evening that after an internal investigation TC had "found numerous instances in which she [Constantine] used others' work without attribution in papers she published in academic journals over the past five years."

The statement specifies that "the investigation, which began in 2006, was prompted by complaints from students and one former faculty member who said language from materials they wrote was included without attribution in the articles."...

..."Is this where our tuition dollars are going? Toward the investigation of a woman whose words of insight and provocative thoughts have progressed the academic battle toward social justice?" said Amanda Luterman, a TC student in counseling and clinical psychology. "I honestly don't understand the priorities here anymore when I see the good guys under siege."...

[h/t: Adam Holland] As this post at Malkin's point out, Constantine is claiming to be a victim of "structural racism." She's also the professor who claimed to have found a noose hung on her office door, then denied a police request to place a surveillance camera outside her office. Curious...

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Columbia University may have been willing to keep things internal with regard to Professor Madonna G. Constantine's plagiarism problem, but the State of New York is not going to let lie the noose on the doorknob: Grand Jury Is Investigating... Read More

1 Comment

...a woman whose words of insight and provocative thoughts have...

Well, someone's words and thoughts have! That's pretty much the crux of it, isn't it?

I'm also curious about "The memo...was hand-delivered to professors". Is that a fancy way of referring to campus mail, or did a liveried footman go around interrupting lectures to deliver his letters?

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