
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

And it's good news. They're from the Shoebat Foundation. The 3 ex-Terrorists. Press release:

They have practiced hatred against Christians, Jews and Americans! They have rioted, bombed and maimed! One of them actually killed 223 Arabs in gang warfare. They have recruited and trained others to hate! They have been part of sleeper cells in the USA, while hiding among us!

The Air Force academy has invited Walid Shoebat, Kamal Saleem and Zak Anani to address their annual political forum held at the US Air Force Academy during the first week of February so that the cadets can understand the mindset of terrorists in our war on terror. The Three Former Terrorists will make their addresses at different times during the day of February 6th 2008.

"We are delighted that the United States Air Force has recognized the brave stand that these men take in educating the American people on the real causes of terrorism. The fact that the Academy has invited our speakers is an important step as to understanding the issue of terrorism and the issues surrounding the problems of the Middle East." says Keith Davies, the director of the Walid Shoebat Foundation.

Interview Ops Available

Walid Shoebat, Kamal Saleem and Zak Anani are former Islamic terrorists. The three men have spent the past couple of years on speaking tour across America, providing insights into the minds of terrorists. They share their personal experiences and stress the dangers that the Western world faces today, as Islamic Fundamentalism grows with fervor around the globe.

This is the first time that the 3-X terrorists have spoken at a military academy. The most fertile recruiting ground for the Radical Islamic movement has been college and university campuses, and the three have spoken at more than 50 state and private college campuses. Most speaking events are open to the public...

Considering the Steve Coughlin debacle, maybe the Pentagon should have them over next.

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These guys certainly stirred things up: Muslim Student Threatens Former Terrorist's Life at Air Force Academy Event Former terrorists Walid Shoebat, Kamal Saleem and Zak Anani addressed cadets at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, during t... Read More


Zachariah Anani: "Soon after enlisting, he made his first “kill.” By the time he turned 16, "life meant nothing," Anani says. "Every time I killed someone and two or three fighters witnessed it, they would give me a point on my chart. I carried 223 points."'

Kamal Saleem: "Kamal was recruited by the PLO and completed his first mission to Israel at the age of seven years old. He was trained in every form of offensive and defensive weapon assault terrorist tactics."

Uh yeah, sure. I'm maybe willing to believe that Anani killed a bunch of people in Beirut, and that Saleem was hanging around some Fatah crew as a kid and ran some errands for them.

I feel that if the Air Force Academy has these three x terrorists come and talk they also should offer up a peace keeper Muslim trio to speak as well.
The media supresses the peaceful voices of Islam as they does not sell air time.
Also the air force should offer threads of US commando training where yelling "kill! kill! kill!" is taught.

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