
Thursday, December 20, 2007

Palestinian Media Watch reports that a video displaying the joy of martyrdom is back in heavy rotation on Palestinian Authority TV (see video above). Nothing like preparing the people for peace: Virgins of Paradise - music video returns to PA TV. PMW has other examples of the PA's extolling the joy of death in their report.

Now, I can understand the whole 72 Virgins thing, but why would you want to be one of the 72? What's the motivation there?


I always wondered what what the reward was for a woman martyr. If a man gets 72 virgins, what does she get? 72 young steeds? Not bloody likely, it seems. Her reward is to join the multitudes of other virgins who are there to serve man's needs.

Seriously, though, I did try to find an answer to this enigma by visiting several Islamic websites that answer questions from the believers. But aside from a great deal of verbiage about how equal women were in the Quran, no answer was forthcoming. The best I could find was someone saying that a woman martyr sits next to her husband and waited upon by the 72 virgins.

Here is an article by Ibn-Warraq about the mysteries of the Islamic paradise (parents' discretion is advised):,,631332,00.html

It should be called Martyrdumb.

Please consider posting about this story. Another "moderate" Palestinian showing that he is really an anti-Semite extremist.


its really funny but this singer is famous for singing romantic songs. his name is

and if he wont dare to picture the heaven in any of his songs.... its not even thinkable in our culture to do that in a vedio clip.
the video is simply a romantic song.

enjoy believing this funny lie.

on the other hand martyrs fight because the feel oppressed and its a common thing world wide to resist the occupier. believe me the virgins thing is not even considerd as a reason to die for your land.

but as usual American patriots fight because they love their land and others fight because they want ladies!!

But...they're both dead. Where are they meeting?

"..the video is simply a romantic song."

Of course. Just the jihadist version of "Strangers in the night". How wcould we miss all that love?


they meet somewhere.... but it dose not neccesery mean it has to do with Islam or jihad.

i didnt have the chance to see the whole clip...I just saw what is give in the youtube..which is a small part... but i believe that the singer used the situation in phalestine in his love song theme. Just like an earlier movie this year that used the 11 September terrorist attack as a theme for its movie.

keep thinking in this narrow way that jihadist fight because of "mermaids" in heaven. It will help you expand your understanding of the world around you .

and your feminism question about what is the reward of women in heaven...

its hard to answer..... but will see in afterlife what they get.
My be in those days"afterlife" we wont be in need of our families, because life there its more secure.
so women could have what they want, and already there we wont need to bring children.But know a days because we have diseases and women have to be pregnanet, so its discusting for a women to be shared by more than one husband at a time. thats why its not mentioned in the quran what women get in afterlife.
something like that
I dont really know.
God nows

there is a verse in quran that says that in the day of judgment a mother throws her children and run from fear..... so I think that what really brings us together as families and tribes ... is security.

but in afterlife if we go to heaven , its secure and we dont need each other.


Arabian 19 has better English than Arabian. They should allow Arabian19 to do the public talking.

Anyway, this is a fascinating piece of literary analysis, followed by feminist theory, which beats even Judith Butler in incoherence and irrational thinking.

But really, does it not depress readers of this blog when they encounter this kind of thinking which is based on nothing but contempt for the other's intellect and pure moonshine?


are you serious when you said that you wanted a rational answer?!
i advise you to look for rational answers away from religon.
specially in your sexuall aproach or the feminism approach to the islamic religon

In my previous post what I tried to say was:
Women in my opinion can have as many ( boyfriends, sexuall affairs....whatever you call it) in the afterlife because the circumstances there will be diffrenet than what we have here( in the first life)

and I said that the Quran didnt mention that but we as beilievers can interpert that.

My point is its hard to interpert the quran because this field needs experts.. its not about taking the face meaning of a the versas of the quran.

any way as i said if you whant rational answers keep away from religon, speciall in the fields that talk about the afterlife, which we call "qaibiat". if you talk about "sharia" which islamic laws in earth, or "Ibadat" which is how muslim conduct their prayers fasting marrige inheretance, zakah ..... those fields are more rational.

by the way arabian19 is one person from the Arabian peninsula and 19 stands for my age..I dont have hidden agendas or secret missons and I am not trying to make a stop acting like sherlock Holmes. and I believe its my right as it is your right to express my opinions and knowledge with each other.

my respect

Arabian: Of course you have a right to SAY anything you like and you will notice that no one is interefering with your right on this blog at least. But you have to understand that the same right you have, applies to all others. So stop telling me what I can or can't say or think.

Anyway, Don't you think it very unusual that two "Arabians" just happen to be posting on this thread on this blog, out of the thousands of blogs and millions of threads that exist on the internet? And that both represent the exact same position, albeit at varying levels of English? You will excuse me if I continue to suspect that you "Arabians" with or without a number, are here for some propaganda service.

Noga, Arabian and Arabian19 are the same person. Honestly, I don't think he meant to imply anything else.

yes your right.

what happend actually is that I forgot to add 19 after arabian19 on one of my posts.
Thats all

I am sorry if that cause misunderstandings

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