
Thursday, December 13, 2007

"This is my BOOM STICK"


The reporter actually leads the witness here, making the Hamas guy look moderate by comparison. For those not in the know, the idea that "the Jews" are undermining the Temple Mount for nefarious purposes is a long-time method of incitement to murder. They had the kids in yesterday's clip doing it, too.

MEMRI TV: Hamas MP Ahmad Abu Halabiya: Israel Uses Artificial Earthquakes to Shake the Foundations of Al-Aqsa Mosque

Following are excerpts from an interview with Hamas MP Ahmad Abu Halabiya, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on December 5, 2007.

Interviewer: Some geologists and environmental scientists say that the earthquakes that recently struck Jerusalem and the Dead Sea are artificial earthquakes, caused by the occupation forces, in an effort to destroy the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque. Is there any evidence of this?

Ahmad Abu Halabiya: The truth is that some of these earthquakes may be artificial, while others are natural. What is dangerous is the excavations underneath Al-Aqsa Mosque and the network of tunnels that was built. These have begun to threaten the foundations of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Therefore, any earthquake – whether natural of artificial – measuring more than 5.5 or 6 on the Richter Scale will definitely have an impact, unless Allah decrees otherwise. This will have an impact on the foundations of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. This is where the danger lies, whether the earthquake is artificial or natural. In any case, it is not impossible for the Jews to generate an artificial earthquake one way or another, in order to accomplish their goal of destroying the foundations of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, as a step towards the construction of their false temple, God forbid.

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» Latest Jewish conspiracy unmasked!! at the blog Public Secrets: from the files of the Irishspy

Hey, kids! Did you know that the Jews can cause earthquakes, and that they're using them to destroy Jerusalem's al-Aqsa Mosque? If the video behind the link causes problems (it make Firefox crash on me), here's a transcript: Following are Read More


"Some geologists and environmental scientists say that the earthquakes that recently struck Jerusalem and the Dead Sea are artificial earthquakes, caused by the occupation forces..."

What scientists are these, pray tell? Nobel laureates, surely.

I swear, these people must live in an alternate universe! Is it possible that otherwise totally intelligent people would believe such nonsense? Maybe it is, if one hears this stuff day in and day out, year after year. But surely most educated Arabs must dismiss this stuff as idiocy, and just roll their eyes, right? Right? RIGHT?

There is NO HOPE for these palestinians. They are doomed due to their insanity and are dooming their future, their children.

palestine, if there ever would be one, would be a rabid dog that would need to be put down.

So let me get this straight. We're the descendants of pigs and dogs..........yet we can cause earthquakes. Damn! Those must have been some SMART pigs and dogs!


BHG, you're forgetting that pigs, monkeys and dogs are all highly intelligent members of the animal kingdom. With that in mind, I'm surprised we're not descended from dolphins too.

There is something very fearful about one group of human beings reducing another to the level of animals. Why would the other's humanity be so threatening that it needs to be artificially diminished into something easily contemptible? In this contradiction lies the answer to the question posed by Bald-Headed Geek. It is the same irrationailty that induces us to whistle in the dark by way of containing the fear that dark inspires.

I think that it's a classic case of dehumanizing an enemy so it becomes easier to try to eliminate him. Yes, it is scary.

In the past when Jews were dehumanized, they were defenseless.

The Israelis are NOT the unarmed Jews of WW2 Europe or dhimmis of Islamofascism.

It must really eat at Euro anti-semites and Islamosupremecists that the Israelis are not willing to play the age old role of victim.

The technology is available to anyone with the finances to afford it. The Japanese used it in Turkey to help the Turkish government determine the Anatolian fault line - this was in 2002. The Americans have already admitted its availability during a National Security Conference during the Clinton Admin back in the late 1990's. It was their Secretary of Defense Mr. Cohen who admitted that these weapons do ACTUALLY exist and do offer a new type of terrorist threat to the world.

But now the question is would Israel purchase, develop, and use one in this nefarious fashion? I mean I read that they were going to use nano-weapon technology on the Lebanese. Something that could induce brain aneurysms and heart attacks remotely with a sting.




So just make an earthquake hit Iran and the nuke problem is solved.

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