
Saturday, December 1, 2007

Get yer popcorn popped, folks. This one looks like it's going to be quite a show. I don't know enough about copyright law to know if this thing has any real merit. I sure hope so. The only thing worse than a lame lawsuit is a lame lawsuit that gets tossed. The complaint itself is entertaining enough to read. Jihad Watch has links as well as excerpts: Savage fights back, sues CAIR

In fact, and as set forth more fully herein, CAIR is not a civil rights organization and never has been.

If the suit has real merit, and if Savage sees it all the way through without settling, this has the potential to be very illuminating.


The suit as filed mentions the Andrew Whitehead counter suit filed as a result of CAIR's defamation suit against him. Not only was Andrew successful in getting CAIR to withdraw it's suit, the withdrawl came as soon as Andrew's attorneys filed a financial disclosure discovery motion, as CAIR did not want to disclose it's actual funding sources, nor it's use of that money. Very illuminating. If Horowitz demands financial information as part of the discovery process, I forsee a very rapid out of court settlement by CAIR. I think that CAIR wants to maintain the 'what happens within CAIR stays within CAIR'. Public disclosure is not in their interest.

I hope CAIR gets bitch slapped, hard.

Sick 'em, Savage!

What strikes me as very ironic in all this is that at the same time as CAIR and allied groups are going around attempting to use financial intimidation and the legal system to silence any critics of radical political islam, they are also calling anyone who speaks out against political islam a "Mcarthyist".

CAIR is full of CRAP.

When was the last time you saw CAIR representatives standing along side of Bush or DHS, lending their support for the War on Terror?

CAIR is PROTECTIVE of al qada, radical islam and anyone who would criticise it.

If the suit has real merit

It doesn't. 3 of the 4 fair use factors favor CAIR.

Correction to #6

"CAIR is PROTECTIVE of al qada, radical islam and ATTACKS anyone who would criticize them."

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