
Sunday, September 30, 2007

Let this be a lesson to you, never ever read the articles.  From a CAMERA email:

This time it's Playboy! As we've noted previously, distorted articles about the Arab-Israeli conflict have increasingly turned up in popular magazines and professional journals that don't ordinarily cover world affairs (eg: Vogue, Architectural Review, Oprah and Lancet). Editors of such publications are generally unequipped to spot inaccuracies, distortions and lack of context on Middle East issues. Because these publications usually provide information on non-controversial or human interest stories, when they promote fringe, false, and inflammatory points of view, the mainstream public is likely to accept these views as credible.

It is most troubling, then, that Playboy magazine, the racy but popular men's magazine, has published in its October 2007 issue an article comparing Israel to apartheid South Africa. The article, "Israel shouldn't get a free pass" by Jonathan Tasini, argues that "Jimmy Carter is correct in his book Palestine: Peace not Apartheid when he describes the control over Palestinians' movements as similar to South Africa's apartheid system."

The apartheid canard has been repeatedly debunked [for instance, here], and so we won't go over the facts again in this Alert; but it is clearly an extremist, inaccurate accusation, one which is often used in an attempt to delegitimize the very existence of Israel.

In the article, Tasini also

* accuses Israel of violating international standards and supposedly "turning Lebanon into rubble" during the 2006 war with Hezbollah.

In fact, the vast majority of Lebanon - and even most of Beirut - was left untouched by Israel. It's worth noting too that, long before his column ran in Playboy, Tasini had absurdly alleged "80 percent of [Lebanon] has been destroyed" as a result if the war. This laughable falsehood alone should have indicated to Playboy that Tasini is not a fair or honest commentator on the Arab-Israeli conflict;

* criticizes American politicians for "pander[ing] to Jewish votes" (note that Tasini himself is Jewish);

* faults Joe Lieberman and Hillary Clinton for their "endorsements of Israel's right to defend itself" against Hezbollah aggression; and

* levels the false and cliched accusation that it is "impossible" to be critical of Israel without being called an anti-Semite.

Also striking is what isn't mentioned in the article. While spending the bulk of his article excoriating Israel for its attempts to defend itself, he virtually ignores the reasons why Israel is forced to fight. The only instance of terrorism he mentions - in order to "establish [his] bona fides" as a Jew with relatives in Israel, he explains - is the murder of his step-grandfather in 1994. But even here, he makes sure to note that the attack was in response to Baruch Goldstein's massacre of Palestinians in Hebron. By contrast, Tarisi doesn't even entertain the idea that Israel's security barrier, which he criticizes, might be a response to Palestinian terrorism. In fact, other than this singular attack almost fifteen years ago, there is not even one mention of Palestinian terror. The words "Hamas," "Islamic Jihad," or "al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade" do not exist on the these Playboy pages.

In other words, this is the kind of distorted, one-sided article that one might expect to find on an anti-Israel propaganda site, but not in Playboy...

I feel as though we've lost a sanctuary with this...a last safe harbor from the madness if you will.

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i feel the same way (lost sanctuary) about one of my favorite cartoonists, scott adams' take on the ahmadinejad visit.
it's similar to the oprah winfrey phenomenon. well intentioned people who don't know much are easy dupes.
but scott adams! good grief. maybe it's just reflexive anti-authoritarianism. they just can't distinguish authority from authoritarianism.

The confluence of marketing school, journalism school and the world views that result from a few other au courant schools and: voila. Remind me, what was that song, and film, by Pink Floyd?!? What a thin stew of ironies. A stew, not a cauldron; it's all so anemic and awash in lukewarm self-regard and bravado; more in line with banality than malevolence, at least so at any more consciously intended level.

There is some good news at VC (Victory Caucus) today.

I certainly never read the articles and I'm very glad I didn't.

A solid Ottolenghi piece, perhaps apropos here in relation to Tasini. H/t MP.

Expect to see more of this. The anti-Israel crowd is nothing if not inventive, and they will use every means at their disposal to spread their disinformation.

Using publications which cater to the (generally) non-politically astute crowd is a savvy move. It's a way to indoctrinate those who do not know any better.


Would never have happened while Hefner was alive....

I saw him on TV the other night and he looked dead to me. He was moving around though, I must admit.

Hi I am an avid reader of your blog and many others. This is tangential but I notced something rather funny. Muzzlewatch, the blog that is dedicated to the supposed censorship over issues of Israel has completely blocked any comments to the posts. Reeks of irony.

They were embarrassed about having their hypocrisy and constant trucking with antisemites pointed out to them.

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