
Monday, August 13, 2007

What the...?

Palestinian Media Watch: Hamas TV show abuses animals to teach kids lesson

The latest episode of a popular Hamas children’s TV show features its main character cruelly swinging cats by their tails and throwing stones at caged lions in the Gaza zoo.

The episode of Tomorrow’s Pioneers features a costumed adult playing Nahool the Bee at the zoo, tormenting domestic cats and lions. The lions become so enraged by the abuse that one of them repeatedly tries to attack Nahool.

Every time Nahool swings a cat by the tail, an act that can cause permanent physical and behavior problems for the animal, children can be heard bursting into laughter.

Ironically, the decision to terrorize and inflict physical pain on real animals in the episode is an attempt to teach children not to abuse animals. When the program returns to the studio, the children in the audience criticize Nahool for his behavior, and he is told never to do it again.

NOTE: Nahool is the character that replaced Farfur, the Mickey Mouse clone that was killed off in response to widespread international outrage that a knockoff of the lovable Walt Disney character was teaching children about hatred and world Islamic domination.

Are they nuts? (Rhetorical question.) Wow.

Well, at least they use it as a (perverse) lesson in what not to do. Of course, if they were throwing rocks or swinging a Jew by the tail, that would be encouraged. Seriously.


This is really beyond terrible.

This episode simply shows what happens when the screenwriters tried to come up with a plot that didn't concern murdering Jews.
I wonder how these writers pitched this one to the producers? "Now imagine this, Nahool will go to the zoo....he'll go into a cage with malnourished housecats and throw them around and kick them.....then we'll show brave Nahool outside a lions cage throwing rocks and just generally trying to piss them whad'ya think?"
I bet even the producers had no idea what the hell just like the rest of the world and just nodded go ahead.
This episode is destined to be a classic.

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