
Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Foreign policy favorite explains why he agreed to join Rudy Giuliani's Foreign Policy team as senior Middle East advisor: I join Team Rudy:

I agreed to come on board for a simple reason: I believe that Mayor Giuliani gets it. He understands perfectly what is at stake in the Middle East, he sees precisely the forces arrayed for and against us, he knows this will be a long contest, and he has the resolve to see the United States prevail. I don't see that same depth of understanding in any of the other candidates...

Also, Giuliani has written a piece today for PJM: Better Judges, Better Courts, which also sounds the right notes:

As President, I will nominate strict constructionist judges with respect for the rule of law and a proven fidelity to the Constitution – judges in the mold of Justices Scalia, Thomas and Alito and Chief Justice Roberts...

...To reduce the impact of the Trial Lawyer Tax, we should reform the system by adopting rules that discourage frivolous lawsuits, such as “loser pays.” The ideal would be the English Rule, in which the losing party pays the winning side’s legal fees. This may prove to be too much of a change for our society, but we should at least shift the burden of proof to the losing party to show good-faith basis for their lawsuit. And Judges should also be able to quickly dismiss frivolous lawsuits...

Sounds good to me, too. No Solomonia endorsement yet -- it's way too early, and there are other good candidates -- but we're looking good so far.


I'm endorsing Senator Clinton.

Call the AP. This is huge.

Take a look at Mitt Romney. I think you will be impressed.

He's one of the reasons I'm holding off.

"To reduce the impact of the Trial Lawyer Tax" - there is no such thing. It's always the lawyers fault until you need one. Frivolous law suits are thrown out of court and attorney's that bring them can be and are sanctioned. This one needs to be let go already

In theory. In practice, the threshold for getting a case thrown out is very high. If there's any possibility of merit at all it goes forward. And having been the victim of a scumbag lawyer who was willing to play the civil system to his benefit, I can tell you it happens.

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