
Sunday, July 22, 2007

Cinnamon Stillwell on a certain San Fran grocery coop:

...It seems freelance writer and Sephardic Jew David Alexander Nahmod got a taste of the sort of "open mindedness" and "diversity" San Francisco is famous for when he had comments such as "Jews need to be killed, it's the only way to get them off Palestinian land" and "You’re just a stupid Jew" hurled at him by a woman working at the checkout line of, you guessed it, Rainbow Grocery.

When Nahmod tried to complain to customer relations, he was told by the charming employee to "leave him alone or he'd 'whoop' him. So Nahmod took his discrimination complaint to the San Francisco Human Rights Commission and, if it pans out, it looks like Rainbow Grocery will be the only one getting whooped around here. Especially since the reaction thus far of Rainbow's employees has been anything but professional...

I'm sure it's just Zionists they don't like.


I wish I could say I was surprised.


But what I don't understand is this. Why, after 9/11, did people decide to hate Jews? Did people already hate us? Or what?

I suppose the answer to that, on the international scene at least, is a resounding "yes". If you look at a timeline the appalling Durban conference just preceded 9/11 and the disastrous, bloody Intifada II erupted out of sincere attempts to empower a Palestinian state in 2000.

These days, people actually blame Israel for creating antisemitism. The lack of historical context is alarming but more alarming is the fact that the Holocaust didn't extinguish judenhass at all. In fact every effort was made to prevent Jewish self-defense and self-determination immediately following the slaughter in Europe and pogroms erupted throughout the Middle East.

The US has been a haven for the Jewish people but I'm very worried that this big-hearted nation is being slowly poisoned.

I suspect frankly that a lot of people turned against Israel more forcefully after the Lebanon War of 1982. That's what I've read or heard some people say. Then it was the two Intifadas.

That anti-Zionism spills over into antisemitism doesn't surprise me. Even during the best periods in the friendliness of Western countries, antisemitism remains part of the cultural vocabulary. At times it will ebb to the point of seeming to disappear, and at other times it will grow, but it will always remain a possibility.

"rainbow food" probably refers to the colors of the mold growing on the meat.

The genius working at "rainbow food" must be unaware that THEY are occupying Native American land and according to their own standards should be shot.

Would a "progressive" shop employ members of the KKK? Probably not.

Would a "progressive" shop employ members of al-qada, hamas, hezbullay, nation of islam? Apparently so.

Eddie--Rainbow doesn't sell meat.

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