
Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Who does Gordon Brown think he's fooling? Well, I suppose if you're a politician, doing the politically correct thing is rather natural. Melanie Phillips: The strategy of consensual dissimulation

People in Britain are shocked — shocked! — that medical doctors are suspected of involvement in the al Qaeda terrorist attacks on Britain over the past few days. The shock reflects the deep unreality of public discourse up till now. People have persisted in believing that Islamic terrorism could be explained by poverty, deprivation, alienation and so forth, despite all the evidence to the contrary. Now they are horrified that doctors, whose calling is to save life, can be bent on mass murder...

...On BBC Radio Four’s Today programme this morning (0755 approx), the reformed Islamist extremist Hassan Butt patiently spelled out to presenter Jim Naughtie that Islamist terrorists carry out their acts of mass murder as an expression of religious faith and fervour. They do it, he said, ‘for the pleasure of God’. Far from being acts of despair, these terrible atrocities are acts of religious exultation.

If we don’t understand, even now, that what we are facing is a religious war, a jihad against the unbeliever and backsliding Muslims across the world we cannot possibly hope to defend ourselves against it. Yet while former Islamist extremists such as Hassan Butt and Ed Husain are urgently telling us the truth, Gordon Brown’s new administration is shutting its ears and embarking on a suicidally stupid and cowardly strategy. Astoundingly, it has decided to deny the religious element of this jihad altogether, to redefine Islamic terrorism as mere criminality and to ban all terms that call this horror by its proper name. From the Daily Express today, we learn:

Gordon Brown has banned ministers from using the word ‘Muslim’ in connection with the terrorism crisis. The Prime Minister has also instructed his team – including new Home Secretary Jacqui Smith – that the phrase ‘war on terror’ is to be dropped. The shake-up is part of a fresh attempt to improve community relations and avoid offending Muslims, adopting a more ‘consensual’ tone than existed under Tony Blair…

Political Correctness and the unwillingness to cause discomfort are an obstacle to survival, since it is only through plain speaking that we can come to discuss and understand a problem. Real problems will never be solved with using real words, not speaking in code.

The rest of Phillips' piece is here. Two pieces by Phillips and Richard Littlejohn linked by LGF, here.

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» It’s official: Gordon Brown is no Tony Blair at the blog Sister Toldjah

Erasing any doubt that he is not as resolute on confonting the threat of terrorism on his own soil from Islamofascists, Prime Minister Gordon Brown has mandated a ‘new tone’ from the Brown government on how to refer to terror attacks and th... Read More

» Let's not mention the elephant in the living room.... at the blog Public Secrets: from the files of the Irishspy

Amazing. Days after Salafist terrorists try to kill hundreds in London and Glasgow, and just a day after the plot was solidly linked to al Qaeda, new UK Prime Minister Alfred E. Newman Gordon Brown has forbidden his officials from Read More


What if they called them Islamic people that like to blow things up? Or Creepy fascists that practice the religion of peace who's holiest city is Mecca

the "diverse" group who attacked in the UK

and the folks in the red mosque
and the people savaging the southern philippine's and southern thailand
and the groups killing each other in lebanon and iraq and gaza

are DEFINED by one and ONLY ONE thing:

their belief in islam.

it is NOT a novel or twisted belief but a standard belief which goes all the way back to their prophet.

those who deny the connection are either cowards or dupes or appeasers.

no war - anywhere, or at anytime, EVER - has ever been won with appeasement.

victory goes to the side with resolve and superior firepower.

without the former the latter is meaningless.

brown's moves are a bad omen for our side and an encouragement for the enemy.

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