
Saturday, July 10, 2010

This is just a quick link to follow -- an "aside." These are links to interesting things that, for one reason or another, I didn't place into a full posting. Click the link to visit the full article. Go to the blog index for a regular listing of posts.

The Hypocrisy and Bullshit of Glenn Greenwald: II - 'What follows is the transcript of Hugh Hewitt's January 2009 radio show interview of Glen Greenwald, taken from Hewitt's blog. It is of some length, so if you want to save time, you can scan for the bold highlights I have made and my commentary broken out along the way. I recommend reading the full interview. To Greenwald's credit, he appropriately accepts his role in the dialogue. Though both he and Hewitt refer to it as a discussion, these are interviews Hewitt conducts, not exchanges, and Hewitt, like Greenwald, is a lawyer. This is neither Larry King nor a sympathetic partisan questioning Greenwald, but a man skilled at examination. Hewitt is not antagonistic and Greenwald, with one slight exception ("I think that this is sort of the same question that you've asked me a couple of times.") does not become defensively combative. Both are unfailingly polite throughout. I favor Hewitt politically no more than I do Greenwald, probably less, but he does an expert job of patiently testing the coherence of Greenwald's positions. Greenwald is pressed into delivering up increasing amounts of bullshit...'

1 Comment

Greenwald and b.s., pure redundancy. Even when he does forward facts or isolated truths, they are ever and always leavened, interspersed, with b.s., his s.o.p.

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