
Friday, November 27, 2009

This is just a quick link to follow -- an "aside." These are links to interesting things that, for one reason or another, I didn't place into a full posting. Click the link to visit the full article. Go to the blog index for a regular listing of posts.

Lon Jacobs: Sarah Palin and Me - The joy of a child with Down syndrome. - 'Sarah Palin and I have little in common politically. I disagree with her on foreign policy, economic policy and Roe v. Wade—I am a pro-choice Democrat. But one thing Mrs. Palin and I share is that we're both parents of beautiful children who happen to have intellectual disabilities. And much as I disagree with Mrs. Palin on various political issues, I was struck when she talked about the cruel attacks on her son Trig in a TV interview last week. What separates me from many other pro-choicers I encounter is that I strongly believe we need to make abortion rare. In too many quarters we have moved from a society that protects the right to abortion to one that promotes it. This is especially true with regard to those with disabilities...'


Regarding making abortion rare: It is a noble cause. But remember, we live in a society where grandfathers,fathers, uncles, brothers, cousins impregnate their grandaughters, daughters, nieces, sisters - and essentially walk away, leaving these girls and women to deal with their situation alone. The U.S. does not provide for these women and their children.Charities provide subsistance. When the government has law that provides generously for these victims, then I will vote against abortion.

There's another aspect to this and it's the fact that anti-choice factions would force women, even victims of rape and incest, to bear children.

Nobody should force women to do anything. We're not slaves.

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