
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

This is just a quick link to follow -- an "aside." These are links to interesting things that, for one reason or another, I didn't place into a full posting. Click the link to visit the full article. Go to the blog index for a regular listing of posts.

Michelle Malkin: Rachael Ray, Dunkin' Donuts and the Keffiyeh Kerfuffle - '...The keffiyeh, for the clueless, is the traditional scarf of Arab men that has come to symbolize murderous Palestinian jihad. Popularized by Yasser Arafat and a regular adornment of Muslim terrorists appearing in beheading and hostage-taking videos, the apparel has been mainstreamed by both ignorant (and not so ignorant) fashion designers, celebrities and left-wing icons...'


Michele Malkin looks like a foreigner to me. Rachel Ray doesn't. Michele Malkin looks like Kim Jong Il, the evil dictator of North Korea and part of the axis of evil. I know Michele "claims" to be a conservative but she looks like a subversive Communist to me. Like a scarf, I can only judge her by her looks.

Rachel Ray should have worn a full PEACE BURQA with the mesh peephole.

It's VERY TRENDY in Salaam Bubba Laden's madrassa!

Ah yes, racism against Asian Americans is just the same as racism against...a scarf.

This 'controversy' is so pathetic, and yet so insane...

So, Rachel Ray was wearing a black & white patterned scarf. Has the War on Terror morphed into the War on Black & White Fashion Accessories and why didn't I get that memo?

rob, it's like she was wearing a "fashionable" SS leather jacket or an al qada T-Shirt. Anyhow, you wouldn't understand.

Michelle Malkin, and all the hard core bigots like her can only achieve the following: intill hatred, encourage prejiduce and promote intolerance in the communities they "serve". The very core of their idiology is based on narrow mindedness and exclusion towards any being that does not share their "conservative" ideals.

At one time "American" commentators saw a Communist Pinko behind every they see a terrorist behind every scarf. It's too bad Dunkin Donuts became part of this stupidity and buckled in rather than attack the messenger. As Marshal McLuhan wrote ......"The Media is the Message" and later the "Medium is the Massage". Too much attention is wasted on self serving idiotic messages.

Geeze... is this a keffiyeh [aka "Islamic terror scarf"] that Meghan McCain [John's daughter] is wearing in this photo:

Eddie should wear a helmet and waterwings, so that we know he is mentally handicapped. His comments to S Bubba and rob reveal as much. In your case, Eddie, your helmet would be not a "fashionable" item but a means for your own protection, and an indication that you are mentally retarded... ooh, sorry, a special American!

Roxy, they warned you to stay away from the brown acid.

But as we can see, you didn't listen.

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