
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

"He didn't learn his lesson" [NSFW]:

Via Gateway and Surber ("Liberal of the Day"), who quotes Jonah Goldberg:

...In 2001, there were twice as many anti-Jewish incidents as there were anti-Muslim, again according to the FBI. In 2002 and pretty much every year since, anti-Jewish incidents have outstripped anti-Muslim ones by at least 6 to 1. Why aren't we talking about the anti-Jewish climate in America?...


He didn't learn his lesson? Does that idiot know how stupid his statement was? He DID learn his lesson and appeasement of people who want to wipe out the Jews isn't an option for him especially... since we're still at war and mosques are used for recruitment of our enemies. They can practice their religion and "build bridges" in other places, that is hallowed ground and a friggin mosque wasn't there before a bunch of Muslim extremists murdered women, children, and innocents. They want to build bridges? Let them have a multi-religion community center where Jews, Christians, Buddists, and other "infidels" are welcome.

Mayor Bloomberg is of Jewish background. But he is no Jew to me. He is like the Jews who assisted the Nazis in the concentration camps --the Kapos.

Mayor Bloomberg is of Jewish background. But he is no Jew to me. He is like the Jews who assisted the Nazis in the concentration camps --the Kapos.

I'm just sorry I was where the cameraman was. I probably would have gone to jail that day, because I am not a non-violent person. I wouldn't let anyone say such terrible curse words to any elderly person. The verbal abuser would have bled.

Who's the a-hole on the left? Name him and shame him. Someone surely knows who he is.

"Mayor Bloomberg is of Jewish background. But he is no Jew to me. He is like the Jews who assisted the Nazis in the concentration camps --the Kapos."

So basically you're saying he didn't learn his lesson then?

That SOCIALIST SCUMBAG cursing the elderly man is an example of what elderly people, what we all can expect from ObamaCare.

What lesson was this fellow supposed to learn in the Nazi Death Camps?

I think he learned his lesson well. Its better to nip Nazis in the bud, than to shuffle quietly to the trains when its too late. Islam is not "kuffars" friend.

Let's face it...

The Western Left isnt going to stop pushing. Islam isnt going to stop pushing.

And Western Conservatives and Christians at some point are going to quit yielding ground and go on the offensive. When that time comes...its going to get real ugly, real fast.

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