
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Perfect title for this matter from Fresno Zionism. I suggest reading Vic's post in full.

This is the story of Emily Henochowicz, a young American college student who, you guessed it, went to Israel to a demonstration and was badly injured, losing an eye. I first read her story in the NYT: Student Injury at Protest Leads to Battle in Israel. The article makes her sound like a middle of the road kid, not in any way an anti-Israel operative, 'she feels a certain affinity with both sides. She said she had wanted to help the Palestinians, but because of her background, she said she also felt "very attached" to Israel "in lots of ways."' In fact, she hooked up with the ISM:

After her arrival in Israel, Ms. Henochowicz, who came to Jerusalem's Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, got involved with the pro-Palestinian International Solidarity Movement after meeting activists at a demonstration in Sheikh Jarrah, an East Jerusalem neighborhood where settlers have won court cases and evicted several Palestinian families from their homes.

From Sheikh Jarrah, Ms. Henochowicz frequented the regular Palestinian protest spots in the West Bank like Bilin, Nilin and Nabi Saleh...

Frankly, that's game set match for the Israeli authorities, and the idea that the Israeli tax payer should pay for this girl's injuries is frankly rather perverse. Unless: The authorities acted criminally according to their own rules, in which case she should be compensated and the perpetrator punished, or they acted negligently according to their training, in which case blame could be apportioned.

Read Vic's post in full, but I have to bring you this bit:

...It's ironic that idealistic young people are being injured and even killed while being cynically used in support of anti-democratic, racist, misogynist -- and murderous - groups like Hamas.

It's time that Israel put a stop to it. Efforts to detect infiltration from ISM and similar groups should be stepped up. And foreign activists who can be shown to have participated in anti-Israel activities should be rounded up and summarily deported.

Here is a video (h/t: Daled Amos) made by Ms. Henochowicz that is... indescribable. But I think it provides a window into the mindset that gives rise to tragedies like hers.

This is really brutally pathetic stuff. Indescribable is right. A young artist, an introspective (narcissistic?) girl who comes off borderline non compos mentis on video...She lost her eye for this little game. Personally, the more I think about it, the more frightening this video becomes.


I agree this is a disturbing video, but not anamolous or uncommon.

This is the Western self hating Leftist, of which their are millions upon millions, especially since the 60s.

David Horowitz can tell you about these yahoos by the truckload.

They are completely enthralled by their nihilism as superior morality.

They are the most dangerous group to the continued existence of white Euro Christian Civilization (and Jewish Israel).

We can handle the Muslims and Islam, but not if they have a powerful and inluential ally in self hating suicidal Westerners...which are conducting policy and forming governments, with the help of minority populations that are demagogued into hostility towards the indigenous populations of Europe.

It's mindboggling!

Perfectly encapsulated, Solomonia. It might be further noted that the divine Ms.Henochowicz resides in the "ghetto" of Potomac, MD, a bedroom community for the well-to-do and well-connected of Washington where the median home value is one million bucks. Exactly what does she miss about Palestine? The gay killing, misogyny or fanatical theocracy? It must be the Jew hatred.

It's a pretty gruesome clip. She is clearly suffering from some severe mental disorder. I wonder if anyone ever bothered to research what sort of people are drawn to ISM and the level of their mental health. It's so disturbing you can't even make fun of her. It would be like mocking a physically-challenged person for their disability. Hillel's question which would be a rational question to ask her is highly irrelevant and non-productive considering the state she is in.

The ISM is a cynical heartless pimp of Palestinian misery.


Leftism, is a mental disorder.

Those who can, do.
Those who can't do, teach.
Those who can't teach become "artists".

FYI, Emily H is a dual Israeli-Us Citizen -- if you google
Emily Henochowicz israeli citizen
you can see sources in haaretz, npr, etc.

No. Those who can't teach, teach teachers.

Or become bureaucrats in Departments of Education. Nappy doesn't doubt that here are some talented people somewhere in those mind-numbing realms of jargon and gibberish. How they survive without killing off every one of their brain cells is a mystery.

Ever look at a curriculum standards document?

For pete's sake guys - she's an inexperienced kid. She wants to help Oppressed People, this is a crime?

I'm not letting ISM off the hook here - far from it. I think outside agitators are greatly responsible for perpetrating a war that should have been over in 1948.


From this you incident and the tape you draw all sorts of mindless stereotypes about teachers, artists, scholars, leftists and accuse various members of the same of destroying "white Euro Christian 'civilization'" which EV has the nuts to associate in any way with 'Jewish Israel' (what about the rest of Israel EV? Don't they count as members of a democratic society?)


It's all very sad and pathetic. It's tempting to be outraged or disgusted, but Noga is right; it's very disturbing. The leaches who exploit these young, idealistic but hopelessly naïve kids are a lot like the terror leaders who send children—always someone else's, never their own—out on suicide missions.

There's a pathology that infects some descendants of survivors. Children of survivors grew up in the shadow of the Shoah, without grandparents, aunts and uncles whom they heard about from their traumatized parents, long before the term PTSD came into vogue. Maybe they lived with the ghosts of a parent's first family, little children whose lives had been snuffed out. Nappy's a second generation survivor; Emily is the same age as Nappy's 3g kids. Watching this video was excruciating; listening to her is like realizing that one of your kids is crazy and needs to be hospitalized.

Nappy doesn't pretend to understand why some 2g's and 3g's turn on Israel. Norman Finkelstein, Jack Nusan Porter and now Emily are sick and need help. Whether they will ever acknowledge it and try to come to terms with their issues is another story.

One of Nappy's father's cousins was smuggled out of a DP camp into Palestine. This skinny kid, who'd been expelled from high school in 1935 when the Nuremberg laws were enacted (the family is German-Jewish), had been arrested in Kristallnacht and spent the entire war as a slave in one camp after another. He survived selections, the starvation, the back-breaking labor and the death marches only to wind up as a fighter in the yishuv's desparate struggle in 48. With almost no training, he and his cohort were given guns and maybe some bullets that maybe went with their guns; they fought organized, well-equipped Arab armies in the War of Independence.

We all know what a difference it would have made were there a State of Israel—a place of refuge for the beleaguered Jews of Europe to go to—in the '30s and '40s. Nappy doesn't do psychobabble, but maybe part of the sickness is displaced anger that there was no Israel, no place that would accept, e.g., the passengers of the St. Louis's Voyage of the Damned.

The pretext for Kristallnacht, the watershed pogrom that arguably marks the beginning of the Shoah, was German outrage over the shooting of a German diplomat in Paris—an intifada. The shooter Herschel Grynszpan was distraught over the fate of his parents and sister who were among the 12,000 Polish Jews who'd been expelled from Germany after the Third Reich canceled their residency permits. (Herschel, 17, had been living with an uncle in Paris at the time.) However, Poland was not prepared to repatriate them for another month, so they were stuck at the border, living in a refugee camp. The Brits had shut down Jewish immigration to Palestine. What if they'd been able to go to Israel?

Nazi Germany claimed the Final Solution decided on at the Wansee Coference was necessary because no country would take the Jews.

It's really a tragedy when what happened in the Shoah is internalized by survivors and their progeny in this perverse way that so misconstrues one of our people's greatest tragedies and the miraculous fact of the third Jewish commonwealth, the modern State of Israel. It is wrong on so many levels to blame oneself or fellow Jews, whether consciously or not, for their families' personal tragedies.

It's hard not to feel sorry for Emily, her parents and her grandparents. One only wonders what will happen when Emily marries and raises 4g kids. Very sad.


She wants to help Oppressed People, this is a crime?

So who is she targeting in the process?
Who is doing the oppressing?

Several years ago, I briefly visited the largest refugee camp in the West Bank: Balata, inside the city of Nablus. Many of the camp’s approximately 20,000 residents are the children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren of the Arab citizens of Jaffa who fled their homes in early 1948.

For half a century, the United Nations has administered Balata as a quasi-apartheid welfare ghetto. The Palestinian Authority does not consider the residents of Balata citizens of Palestine; they do not vote on municipal issues, and they receive no PA funding for roads or sanitation. The refugee children—though after 60 years, calling young children “refugees” is absurd—go to separate schools run by UNRWA, the UN’s refugee-relief agency. The “refugees” are crammed into an area of approximately one square kilometer, and municipal officials prohibit them from building outside the camp’s official boundaries, making living ..

The Nakba Obsession

If people were correctly taught the facts maybe they would not be so mixed up as to get involved and used as useful idiots.
If people were brought up to be more self reliant and not expect to be spoonfed by activist teachers and activist JournoLists they would research topics of interest.


Maybe if the NYT at the time of the war had not basically censored news of the Holocaust there would have been far more public awareness that might have changed the outcome of America's policy if not the Brits.

By the way if one wants some idea of continued British thinking here's something to chew on
'Gaza blockade bred radicals

Israel drove Gaza “into a Hamas-controlled tunnel economy, and the Palestinian Gaza private sector has been almost completely destroyed,” Phillips said in a farewell interview on Wednesday.
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