
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Yeah, yeah, he didn't mean it. Look, the guy was free of Zionist domination talking to a European news outlet and figured he could let it flow without fear of Judeo-retribution (clearly he's seen Inglourious Basterds). He never counted on the fact that we also own the internet. Let's check out Norm again:

According to Brooks Barnes at the New York Times, Stone released this statement yesterday afternoon, in apology for his remarks to the Sunday Times:

In trying to make a broader historical point about the range of atrocities the Germans committed against many people, I made a clumsy association about the Holocaust, for which I am sorry and I regret. Jews obviously do not control media or any other industry. The fact that the Holocaust is still a very important, vivid and current matter today is, in fact, a great credit to the very hard work of a broad coalition of people committed to the remembrance of this atrocity - and it was an atrocity.

Well, an apology is an apology and it would be churlish not to accept that he means it. A question remains, all the same, about how it is that Stone could come to make the mental associations he now regrets having made: between public interest in the Holocaust and Jewish domination of the media; between the Jewish tragedy in Europe and the far greater damage he said was done by Hitler to the Russians. It's good that Stone should be sorry for what he said. It will be even better if he's not only sorry but also understands how he came to say it.

Also, Jeffrey Goldberg: Oliver Silverstein Apologizes

And: ADL Says Oliver Stone's Apology 'Insufficient'

Update: A report from an interesting new news site:

Multisource political news, world news, and entertainment news analysis by

And Yourish has it right: Oliver Stone, paving the way to mainstreaming anti-Semitism

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