
Friday, July 16, 2010

Well "Israel is Just Great Day" came and went yesterday and everywhere I went I saw person after person showing their support for the Jewish state by wearing clothing. Thanks to the six-billion plus people who participated, and anyone who wants to take part in a similar "BDS is a Joke Week" scheduled for the first week of August can demonstrate their disdain for the aptly named divestment "movement" by going to the bathroom anytime between August 1st and the 7th.

In the meantime, news is out that Israel may be passing anti-boycott legislation that would fine Israelis who advocate for boycotts directed against the country and punish non-Israeli BDSers by (among other things) potentially denying them entrance into Israel. Despite a certain curiosity regarding how brave the self-declared courageous divestniks might be if their squalid little project was finally associated with some personal cost, in truth I remain reticent about democracies passing laws to punish political activity, no matter how odious. Some further thoughts on the matter can be found here.

And rounding out today's roundup, BDS has scored another spectacular triumph by getting a family-owned grocery store in New Jersey to stop selling Israeli dates. This victory required the participation of family members of the enterprise (which might indicate a unique situation not likely to be replicated with more corporate retailers like Trader Joe's). It also turns out that this boycott is another demonstration of how much easier it is to screw your friends and allies than your enemies in that the supplier of these dates (i.e., the person who will lose direct business with the grocery as a result of this micro-boycott) is a Palestinian Arab. "Sigh" indeed!


(Sigh.) The blogger of all the spectacular BDS successes gives her name in English and Arabic. Is anyone surprised that is sounds [As-a-]Jewish.

Marcy Newman r dum.

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