
Saturday, June 26, 2010

And again. Like mother's milk. From Palestinian Media Watch: PA TV host to children: Jews are "our enemies," Israeli soldiers are "wild animals"

The host of a program about prisoners on official Palestinian Authority television described Jews as "our enemies" and Israeli soldiers as "wild animals" when she interviewed young children.

Her comments were made during two recent episodes of the PA TV program For You, which features interviews with the families of Palestinians imprisoned by Israel. In an interview with the young sister of a prisoner serving a 13-month sentence, the PA TV host asked the girl if the Israeli soldiers bother the family when they visit her brother in prison. When the girl agreed, the host added: "They're wild animals, right? Aren't they wild animals?"

In another episode, the same host interviewed the four-year old son of a prisoner serving a 15-year sentence. She asked who imprisoned his father, and the boy answered, "The Jews." As in the other interview, the host prompted the child: "The Jews are our enemies, right?" The boy nodded in response.

It is worth noting that the boy did not say that "Israelis" imprisoned his father, but specified that it was "the Jews."...


The translation is a little misleading. Wohoosh, plural of Wahsh is used to mean "brutes" and not "wild animals". The nuance is important, a wild animal is what you see when you go to the zoo, while a brute is someone who'll kick your ass at a bar for checking out his girlfriend.

Have you seen a movie called "defamation" where Jewish children attack verbally some elderly polish retirees because with their limited knowledge of polish they think that they have been called pigs, etc?
Or they are told that all Gentiles are their enemies?
Real nice.
Who can blame the Palestinians?

Nobody can blame the palestinians. Ever. For anything. Never. Wouldn't be prudent, WTF. Oh, excuse me, WTH.


Well, if the movie comes across depicting Charles Jacobs as nuts then it is a load of nonsense.
By the way there plenty of Israelis only too pleased to play the "hate Jews" game; Neve Gordon, Schlomo Sands et al.
Anyway who says that what it depicts is actually true and not "Fauxtoshopped"?

I should have mentioned that mondoweiss like the movie.

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