
Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Allahpundit had it on Friday, linking to Breitbart TV. Oh my: Taiwanese animators re-create ... the Al Gore massage incident.

As Allahpundit notes,

As for the clip, believe me when I tell you that it will haunt your dreams. It’s axiomatic but worth repeating: What has been seen cannot be unseen. Brace yourselves, my friends.

Breitbart blames it on credits it to NMA, a Taiwanese news service.

Allahpundit's right. It can't be unseen. Nappy can tell you that pouring bleach on your eyes afterward doesn't help.

How awful. Hard to believe this is Al Gore. But some charity is in order, perhaps? Only recently divorced and must be terribly lonely and maybe even a temporarily insane?

Al Gore and Gov. Mark Sanford are spending the summer hiking on the Appalachian Trail, which surprisingly ends in Argentina.


Don't know if I'm correct but I believe that the incident burned into Nappy's eyes came well before the divorce and consequent terrible loneliness.

Maybe Tipper found the treat box?
Sex complaint against Gore is detailed, credible

A little later, she said, Gore produced a bottle of brandy and mentioned there were condoms in the "treat box" provided by the hotel. "He then forced ...
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