
Thursday, May 13, 2010

I was clicking around through some old blog links earlier and happened to shift through the Iraqi blog Hammorabi. I remembered him as one of the pro-interventionist, pro-Western Iraqi bloggers -- I even linked to him on several occasions back in the day. I do remember he had taken something of a "turn" at some point, and that will be as it may, still it was disappointing to see this post in reaction to the attack on "Muhammad cartoonist" Lars Viks (video here): The Swedish police assaulting Muslims

When it comes to the respect of the rights of Muslims and their religion the Western countries especially in Sweden now it goes to a double standard. The Human rights are only respected in their single eye which looks towards their side while the other eye is blind. The blind eye is the eye which supposes to look towards the Good while the only eye they see with is the materialistic eye (The one-eyed Quack) (The Dijal).

When Lars Vilks insulted The Prophet of Islam (The Prophet of the whole Humanity until the Day of Judgment and the Master of All Prophets) the Swedish government and its alike provided full support despite the insult went to all the Muslims around the world! The recently shown pictures (click to see video) showing how the Swedish police uses excessive force to assault Muslims and sprayed them with Gas like from little containers in their hands. This was to protect the same person mentioned above while he was showing another insulting film and lecture about Islam and the Prophet.

The way the Swedish police attacked and assaulted the civilians is so obvious and it is against the basic principle of the human rights. These police used their power and authority to terrorize civilian Muslims. The Swedish government should do full investigation about these abuses and they should put Lars Vilks into a trial for his insults for Muslims all around the globe. He should be tried openly because of his persistence to continue to insult Islam.

Finally irrespective of whether they put him for trial or not they will be tired and stand for long time in front of Allah in the Day of Judgment after which there will be no death but either life in the Fire Hell to dwell for ever or in the Paradise with Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon Him) and His followers in Islam.

Pretty disappointing (to put it mildly) to think that this is undoubtedly the mind-set shared by many -- a total perversion of the idea of "Human Rights" and the place of the police and the responsibility of the citizenry in a free society. This is what we're pinning all those hopes -- not to mention blood and treasure -- on.


Islam IS the problem. We need to irradicate it first from Western Countries and then perhaps the world.



Hummus is thicker than water, I guess. Makes one grateful for the investment of blood and treasure. #1 above is the answer.

I do hope there will be a "Draw a picture of prophet Muhammed" day. Sidewalk art, sky writing over Mecca, Porky Pig in a bomb turban, Popeye the Sailor man vs. Bluto Muhammed, Sponge Muhammed Square Burqa.

The greatest insult to Islam are all the followers of Muhammed, named some variation of the name Muhammed, who stab, hijack, behead, shoot people all over the world.

If muslims kill Sweden artists, is it self defense to kill muslims?
Watch and read mohammed T-shirt art from Sweden at,
[link removed]

Really, and who's going to that? you?

Would you kill every muslim man, women and baby?

You'll probably say yes for shock value but i think we all know your far too spineless to rant anywhere except from behind your PC.

You and people like you are the problem.

I'm only glad that your pathetic statement is only supported by a very small number of narrow minded imbeciles.

No Mohammed of course it isn't, at least if you're of sound mind anyway.

"Islam IS the problem. We need to irradicate it first from Western Countries and then perhaps the world."

"If muslims kill Sweden artists, is it self defense to kill muslims?"

No, it is not. ALL Muslims do not kill Sweden artists, so it is not self defense to randomly kill Muslims. This is horrific. I utterly disassociate myself from it.

And you have every chance to "eradicate" Islam. It's a free country, you can argue them out of it. You can also argue for more stringent immigration rules, but the idea that all Muslims are going to be expelled from America -- ever -- is nonsense and a dangerous fantasy.

Islam like White Supremacy should be stamped out. Im sorry you dont see it that way.

Sweden is rapidly approaching the endgame of the multicultural socialist state. The current regime cannot be maintained much longer, and the strain is starting to show. The inevitable animosity generated by the clash of civilizations has brought society to the verge of breakdown in immigrant-rich areas.

Consider the implications of some of the words shouted by Muslims in this video:

1. Sweden is our country, too!
- - - - - - - - -
The man who keeps shouting this is exactly correct: his assertion echoes the central dogma of Multiculturalism, which has been drilled into him as well as the “persons of Swedish background” who formed the vast majority of the country’s inhabitants until a generation ago.

The country belongs to the people who happen to live there, not to a nation or culture, and most certainly not to the descendants of all those Swedes who toiled and sacrificed for centuries to build a civilized society out of a chilly wilderness.

The clincher here is that “we pay taxes, too.” This gives culture-enrichers veto power over what is permitted and not permitted in Modern Multicultural Sweden.

And the same rights are claimed by immigrants on social welfare, who don’t pay taxes but consume them. They’re here, you’re kaffir, get used to it.

2. If he had stopped the film, this couldn’t have happened.

In other words, if Mr. Vilks had moderated his actions to take into account the sentiments of Sweden’s Muslim community, nobody would have tried to kill him. From the enrichers’ standpoint, this makes perfect moral sense: the artist is required to alter his behavior to accord with norms that have nothing to do with Swedish tradition. Freedom of artistic expression is an atavistic cultural artifact that is not included in this particular postmodern schema.

According to the norms of Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, etc., the artist has the responsibility not to offend his audience with blasphemous “pornography”. If he neglects his responsibility, then his just punishment may include injury or death at the hands of those whom he has offended.

Immigrants in Sweden have learned that this is their right: their religion is to be respected at all times and by everyone. When an irresistible multicultural force meets an immovable free-speech object, guess which one has to yield? The culture-enrichers have long since learned that free speech is what almost always gives way. Lars Vilks was unable to finish his seminar, and the University of Uppsala is reluctant to reschedule it, due to “security issues”. Mr. Vilks is unlikely to find another venue unless he pays for it out of pocket, so the enrichers are right: their religion — and more importantly, their eagerness to resort to violence whenever they are insulted — trumps long-cherished Swedish freedoms.

3. If you don’t want trouble, take him [Lars Vilks] out of Uppsala.

This, in effect, claims a portion of Sweden for the Ummah. Infidels who refuse to follow sharia within the Islamic enclave must leave, or expect full punishment.

In other words, Multiculturalism has achieved the exact opposite of its purported aim. Multiple cultures don’t mix in harmony; they precipitate out and form antagonistic and immiscible statelets.

When one culture is more aggressive and fecund than another, it tends to prevail. This does not bode well for the future of Sweden.

4. Isn’t it illegal for you to draw your gun? Then we will report you, too!

This tells us that the culture-enrichers (a) know how to game the system, and (b) are aware that the higher-ups — the cowards who hold political authority — will betray their underlings when immigrants complain. The cop on the beat will be tossed to the wolves the moment Muslims are offended.

Yes, the Muslims know the system well. They have learned its rules, and they have figured out how to use its inherent systemic weaknesses against native Swedes.

They know that Swedes are not allowed to fight back, that guns in police holsters are only for show, and that the Swedish social and political system will tremble at the first hint of violent retaliation. They know that if they are brought up on charges, useful idiots in the Swedish legal system with rush to their aid, and that even if they are convicted, any punishment they receive will be so light as to be meaningless.

The Muslims are well aware that Swedish law enforcement is a Potemkin village. That’s why they are willing to stand at the front of the lecture hall and scream invective at Swedish cops.

Now consider the response made by a Swedish girl in the audience:

This is not freedom of speech, don’t you get that?

She’s absolutely right. This isn’t freedom of speech; it’s sharia.

Welcome to Modern Multicultural Sweden.

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