
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Great title from Michael Tobin. The video is a hoot. From boner to bend over in the flick of a light switch:

[Edit: Since the video plays automatically, I've moved it below the fold. There's no sound, but it's still distracting (and hilarious).]

All the sordid details of the Palestinian sex tape scandal are rising to the surface the way scum does on a stagnant pond.

The allegations in the sex scandal itself read like a textbook sexual harassment or coercion case. The whistleblower provided the tape to Israel Channel 10 reporter Tzvi Yehezkeli and told him it starts with the Secretary General to the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Rafik Al Husseini is his name and he wanted to hire a second secretary. A woman applied. Yehezkeli says through a series of text messages and meetings, Al Husseini let the applicant know, if she wanted the office job, she needed to meet him in the bedroom for a little manual labor first.

She reported that to Palestinian intelligence, who set up cameras in her apartment. When Al Husseini showed up, allegedly to welcome the applicant to the work force in the most primitive way, tape was rolling. Shortly after Al Husseini got in his bureaucratic birthday suit, intelligence officers blew the mood by storming the boudoir. The allegation goes on to say Al Husseini apologized and offered them "anything" to make this story go away.

The whistleblower, Fahmi Shabaneh, is now on the run. He was the head of the anti-corruption unit in the Palestinian Authority. In addition to the sex tape, he has provided to Yehezkeli evidence of millions and millions of dollars leaking from government bank accounts to private ones.

A spokesman for the Palestinian Authority, Tayeb abdel Rahim,told reporters that Shabaneh's allegations are, "lies and unreal stories made by a former low ranking Palestinian officer." He said, "this officer was fired more than 2 years ago and he is a collaborator with the Israeli government." The Palestinian Authority issued an arrest warrant for Shabaneh alleging the following crimes: damaging the honor of the State, conspiracy to commit murder and real estate crimes. Shabaneh is no where to be found.

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