
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Very interesting. I guess the New Israel Fund's Naomi Chazan is getting another lesson in accountability -- a difficult matter for her. If your lawyer sends your employer a threatening letter about what advertising they can accept...prepare to be bereft of some income: 'Post' stops Chazan column after threat

NIF and its president Chazan threatened legal action over ad in paper.

The Jerusalem Post has canceled Naomi Chazan's biweekly column, after she and the New Israel Fund of which she is president threatened legal action against the paper over a recent advertisement.

The decision was taken by Jerusalem Post management after a legal threat was received at the paper from the NIF and Chazan's lawyers.

Along with other publications, the Post last Sunday carried an advertisement criticizing Chazan and the New Israel Fund in the context of the Goldstone Report on Operation Cast Lead.

In Friday's paper, the Post carried an advertisement defending the NIF and Chazan against their critics.

Update: Shmuel Rosner -- no fan of the anti-NIF campaign -- says the decision is justified: I'd also eliminate Chazan's column. He also commented on the overall situation a week ago: Why the vicious attack on the New Israel Fund was inevitable. [h/t: Seva]

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