
Friday, February 26, 2010

Finger B.jpg
Tired of the calls for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel that become more shrill the more BDS fails to win a single victory? Bored to tears as the Israel "dislikers" trot out the same dreary, hypocritical campaigns (like Israel Apartheid Week) year after year after year?

Well now you can do something about it. Becuase those Apartheid Week clowns have launched their annual hate-fest smack at the beginning of Buycott Israel Month!

Buycott Month is actually a little project cooked up by some local activists working together with the hugely successful Buycott Israel program in Canada. As you can see from the Success Stories section of the Buycott Month site, there's not been a single instance of boycott directed at Israeli products that didn't end up turning into a massive sellout of Israeli goods and an equally massive humiliation for the forces of BDS.

With Buycott Month, we decided to ratchet the fun level up another notch, asking people to send us their own stories of buying and enjoying Israeli products, breaking a boycott, making an investment or taking part in a counter-protest of Apartheid or BDS activity during the month of March. And tying these tales together will be the "Finger-B," (shown above) a gesture you can make to let the world know that you're not just enjoying what Israel has to offer, but giving BDS "The Fingers" in the process.

So let's teach the BDS crew to read between the lines. Stop by, act up, spread the word, send us your Buycott story - most of all - remember, always remember that we're not only right compared to the endless wrongs of BDS, but that we also know how to do our activists activities with panache.

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