
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Terrific video of Colonel Allen West answering a question in no-nonsense fashion from JStreetJive:

Colonel West was speaking at The Hudson Institute's Reclaim American Liberty Conference. He is a candidate for Congress in Florida.


Ive been cheering for Col West for some time now. I pray and hope he takes the Congressional seat down in FL, which wont be easy.

His military experience shows, he is a fantastic speaker with tremendous leadership abilities.

I hope he is the GOP nominee for President of the United States in 2012.

EV, For once I agree with you.

I also hope that Senator Scott Brown runs for President. Speaking as a registered Democrat, the Republicans need a candidate with youth and vigor.

Well, always nice to come to agreement, Eddie.

EV & Eddie,

As much as Nappy is thrilled that Scott Brown is iur Senator and as great as it is to hear Col West speak so knowledgeably and plainly, haven't we had enough of meteoric rise from local politics to the White House by someone who simply didn't have much experience?

Neither Scott Brown nor Col. West is an empty suit like Obama was, but it's too soon to talk about either of them as a presidential candidate. Let Col. West serve a few terms in Congress first. Scott Browb's big test in 2012 will be to get re-elected. Maybe in '16 or '20.

Duly noted nappy,

However Col. West is a breath of fresh air, and I will continue to support his rise and continued development. And Scott Brown's continued success in Massachusetts. I think Scott Brown can better serve this country by hanging onto that Mass. Senator's seat.

We're in violent agreement here.

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