
Monday, February 22, 2010

Ride on Richard Kemp: UK officer says views of Israeli forces 'anti-Semitic'

A former senior British army officer has said international media including the BBC are being exploited by "dark forces" who want to harm Israel.

Col Richard Kemp, who was a commander in Afghanistan, said some international criticism of the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) was motivated by anti-Semitism.

He was speaking at a dinner in London hosted by a pro-Israel lobby group.

Col Kemp had defended the actions of the IDF at the UN Goldstone Hearings into the Gaza incursion of 2008...

...Col Kemp, who is now retired from the Army and makes a living from writing, said the advice he received from the Israeli armed forces on how to tackle Afghan suicide bombers had been invaluable, and formed the basis of official army guidelines used by soldiers on the ground there.

There were some "bad" soldiers in the IDF, Col Kemp acknowledged.

But he added that despite similarities between the IDF and British forces, UK soldiers did not have to deal with the same amount of criticism from the international community.

"When we go into battle we do not get the same knee-jerk, almost Pavlovian response from many, many elements of the international media and international groups, humanitarian groups and other international groups such as the United Nations which should know better... of utter automatic condemnation. We don't have to put up with that."...

Here's that famous video of Kemp on the BBC during Cast Lead. It continues to get a steady stream of comments, many of them from the sewers of the internet:

Related: Jeffrey Goldberg notes: NATO Kills 27 Civilians; Time to Call Judge Goldstone

1 Comment

What? "Criticism of Israel" might have some antisemitic motives?

Who knew?

BTW I couldn't agree more with Goldberg.

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