
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Not all Jews, certainly, but some, and Jennifer Rubin does a very good job of describing the type:

...While Palin enjoys support from some prominent Jewish conservatives, it is not an exaggeration to say that, more so than any other major political figure in recent memory (with the possible exception of Patrick J. Buchanan), she rubs Jews the wrong way. In a September 2008 poll by the American Jewish Committee (AJC), Jews disapproved of Palin as the pick for McCain's vice-presidential running mate by a 54 to 37 percent margin. (By contrast, 73 percent approved of the selection of Joseph Biden as Obama's.) Ask an average American Jew about Palin and you are likely to get a nonverbal response--a shiver, a shudder, a roll of the eyes, or a guffaw. Naomi Wolf, the feminist writer, sputtered that Palin was the "FrankenBarbie of the Rove-Cheney cabal," articulating the mixture of contempt and fear that seemed to grip many Jewish women. The disdain is palpable and largely emotional. While 78 percent of American Jews voted for the Obama-Biden ticket, it is fair to say that most did not harbor animosity toward or contempt for Senator John McCain; the same cannot be said of their view of Palin. Prominent Jews like Reagan-era arms-control official Kenneth Adelman, who expressed great admiration for McCain, proclaimed that the selection of Palin was beyond reason: "Not only is Sarah Palin not close to being acceptable in high office, I would not have hired her for even a mid-level post in the arms-control agency."...[More.]


It is conceivable that Palin could make inroads in the Jewish community? -- From the article

Fat Chance.

I hope that Palin becomes President anyways.

Political Correctness is going down, the re-ascendance of Western European Cultural Confidence is the new paradigm, a shift away from the old New Leftist zeitgeist. Of course the Jews wont like that. Having to contend with a majority that is as proud and protective of their culture as Jews are. Israel provides the map.

Actually, it's not hard to pick out the Jews who, by default, hate Palin. Ask them questions about current events in Israel. If they know nothing about what is going on there, they hate Palin.

Ummm. Beg to differ!

Solomon, you may be interested in this. I hadnt seen it till now, though I am familiar with Podheretz's book and the symposium at Commentary Magazine, as I know you are as well.

Why Are Jews Liberal? (An Alternative to Norman Podhoretz)

Michael Walzer - October 30, 2009

Dissent Magazine

Sophia, do I detect a hint of Christianophobia?

Say it isnt so!

Walzer's piece in interesting, but flawed in that he doesn't seem to get that the argument that many Jewish conservatives are making is that what he is trying to continue to call "liberalism" has in fact morphed into simple leftism, that the respect for individual choice-making (classical liberalism) has taken a back seat to forced political correctness. I'm all for "social justice," but I'm not up for trusting Walzer's decisions as to how justice is defined. Is giving favor to a minority student on admissions in the place of a more hard-working non-minority just? Is taking money involuntarily to give it to someone who has another child out of wedlock just? Is taxation tzedakah?(etc...etc...) I think not.

Im in total agreement, that is why I refuse to call it Conservative vs Liberal. Rather its Liberal Conservative vs Leftist-Socialist. The country and the entire European West, has move Left.

The Decent Left aka the Liberal Left is a small minority of the Left coalition. It lost its dominance in the Democrat Party in the late 60s to early 70s...which has been dominated by New Left Radicals for 3 or 4 decades. It's part of the reason for the Reagan Democrats phenomenon.

PS - Jews have for a long time, been in large part attracted to and a part of the Far Left, the Communist Left. They were in greater numbers than any other groups committed hard Leftists, in the US.

That is why it's no surprise that the Rosenburg's were Jewish. That the Red Diaper babies were largely Jewish. That the Little Red SchoolHouse was full of Jews.

EV your comments are way OTT. You are stereotyping Jews with the Communists.

This is straight out of the Nazi playbook.

Accusing me of Christianophobia is also outrageous. My father was Catholic.

"PS - Jews have for a long time, been in large part attracted to and a part of the Far Left, the Communist Left. They were in greater numbers than any other groups committed hard Leftists, in the US.

That is why it's no surprise that the Rosenburg's were Jewish. That the Red Diaper babies were largely Jewish. That the Little Red SchoolHouse was full of Jews."

So what's the point?

You are stereotyping Jews with the Communists. --- Sophia

The fact remains, that Jews are and have been traditonally and currently farther Left than any group in the US.

Michael Waltzer said:

"JEWS STAND to the left on the American political spectrum. In my lifetime, the range of the Jewish vote for Democratic presidential candidates has run from around 65 to 85 percent; liberal/left third party candidates—Henry Wallace, John Anderson, Ralph Nader—also get disproportionate numbers of Jewish votes; financial contributions are even more lopsided. Every left movement from union organizing in the 1930s to the civil rights and anti-war movements of the sixties to the anti-apartheid campaign of the eighties to MoveOn in 2004 and 2008 has been disproportionately Jewish. And this tendency isn’t apparent only in national politics; it is apparent locally in school board elections, bond issues, tax referenda, and so on. And it isn’t true only in the United States, but also throughout Western Europe. A recent leader of the Tories in the UK was Jewish, but most Jews vote for Labor; and Jewish intellectuals in France have long been prominent among the country’s socialists.

We know this is true, and it continues to be true despite predictions from Jewish neoconservatives that there is going to be a big shift. Maybe so, but it isn’t apparent yet. What explains the liberalism of the Jews?"

Is Michael Waltzer stereotyping Jews, in typical Nazi fashion?

One may ask?

So what's the point? --- Solomon

There is a reason that many are hostile to Jews in general that has nothing to do with Jew hatred, but the politics of the vast majority of Jews...which are actively and effectively hostile to the culture of Sarah Palin who represents the quintesential Goy(for lack of the better word). Its not irrational Jew hatred. It's not hatred at all, its fundamental political and cultural disagreements....and the active hostility to the American way, US constitution, and the majority of European Christians...via the political vehicle of the Left and New Left.

Yet anyone expressing such, is immediately labeled an anti Semite, fascist, Nazi-like...etc.

Thus driving even more hostility underground.

One thing the Left has right, is that any criticizm of Jews or Israel will immediately brand you an anti Semite. They can hide behind that claim, because Jews themselves have disempowered the charge via their rampant overuse of the silence criticism, and ostracize people from public and political life, perhaps even private sector success, via the allegations.

The Left claims that any criticism of the West, immediately brands you anti Western, when all those poor persecuted souls are trying to do is improve things via constructive criticism.

And so here we all are, divided and paralyzed as Islam waltzes in, under the protection of Political Correctness and minority victimization politics, developed with full support of the vast majority of the Left.

See Bruce Bawer's article you linked earlier.

Accusing me of Christianophobia is also outrageous. My father was Catholic. --- Sophia

If your mother was Catholic, then you would be rejected by Jews, from attending Jewish schools in the UK, until the recent court ruling, at least.

Hoist on their own petard with that one, Id say. Teh majority of Jews have been cheering such lawfare against Euro Christian institutions for decades.

No, you've got it wrong. ANY criticism of Jews or Israel doesn't get you labeled an anti-semite, generalizing in a negative way about Jews gets you labeled an anti-semite, and quite rightly. That is anti-semitism. It doesn't just discuss the issues, it contributes to hatred. It is part of the problem.

You do sound like an anti-semite, and though I get where you're coming from (assuming you've been honest) I think you've made your point and don't agree with the way you continue to try to repeat it. You may not be an anti-semite, but the things you keep saying ARE anti-semitic. Visitors here shouldn't have to have a roadmap to the history of EV on Solomonia in order to understand I haven't simply been allowing an escaped Klan member to run roughshod around my blog. I think you've made your point, so why keep pushing it? I've already said it makes no sense to keep pushing this line here. If you're trying to make people think about and consider your ideas I guarantee you are failing.

Yes, I am failing. And its not because of the messenger, but rather the messengee.

As far as your definition of what constitutes an anti Semite. Michael Waltzer just negatively stereotyped Jews, as Leftwingers. So he is also an anti Semite.

So you can see the conundrum. Any discussion of Jewry, brands one an anti Semite.

And here we all are.

Me trying to make a connection with Jews, trying (however poorly with my limited communication skills) to achieve understanding, between Jews and Euro Christians. And all I get is charges of anti Semitism.

I suppose this is the way, its pretty much been for half a century.

Im trying to avoid the rise of the BNP and like groups, by claiming centrist ground and bringing these issues up outside of that vile nest of National Socialism.

I note that you are even distrustful of me, while still giving the benefit of the doubt. Any Jew on the Left would have no hesitation is branding me a Nazi, Stormfront, hater, anti Semite. They constitute the majority of Jews. This isnt good for inter cultural relations. Perhaps its Jews that arent making an effort, here.

As Christopher Caldwell notes...

'It's Much Better If Things Are Discussed Openly',1518,668750,00.html

From what I gather, Jews dont want to have this conversation, and reject any attempts at bridging the divide, with slurs and slander.

I still stand with my mind and heart out. Trying to discuss things openly.

I do get your point. However, if you read the titel of this thread you will see that my comments are very appropriate. I dont bring this up on every thread. I also comment on other threads...having nothing to do with this larger topic (of enduring interest to me).

We are both conservatives, we agree on much more than we disagree on, I would suspect. I am also suspicious of the other, criticizing me and mine. But hopefully, we can at least maintain a dialogue, with some trust, and decorum.

I apologize for rubbing you the wrong way Solomon. I even apologize to Sophia for my sometimes snide and snippity retorts. However I dont expect apologies back, for the insinuation, and suspicion that I am an anti Semite. Which is part of the problem, from my POV.

I fully agree that, the anti Semitism exists, on teh Left and the Right. But that the center Right is much larger than the so called Far Right and has been disempowered by the center Right. However the Left has growing anti Semitism, and its becoming a majority position. But then, Ive always recognized the vileness of the Left and its modus operandi and agenda as hostile to all freedom loving and decent people. At the end of the day, so called Social Democrats are in fundamental agreement with Socialists and Communists...they just disagree on the road to utopia.

I will in the future, refrain from overworking this topic. However, it is and remains, part of the larger problem. And it needs to be addressed, we can kick the can down the road for only so long, Islam's entrance has changed the game in the West.

generalizing in a negative way about Jews gets you labeled an anti-semite, and quite rightly. -- Solomon

Ill also noted that you generalized about Protestants in a negative way, a few weeks ago. However I merely corrected you on your generalization. I didnt label you an anti Christian or Anti Protestant or Christianophobe...and quite rightly.

Perhaps you can see where you are wrong in your above statement.

Generalizations necessary for effective communication and contemplation of ideas. They arent necessarily hate speech. Believe it or not, Jews do possess some negative group characteristics that are not anti semitic in nature, but rather are a reflection of Jewish cultural norms. I guess whether they are negative can sometimes depend on the POV of the individual, however the generalizations are valid and do exist. You can make generalizations about Catholics for instance....its not a crime against humanity. But with regards to Jews or other PC protected classes? Im sure you can see the nuance of what I am trying to communicate.

Jews and Christians are natural allies, very close in their worldviews, as Christians are basically Jews for Jesus...but have lost some of the cultural trappings.

Sorry for windbagging.

I just looked up windbag. Poor communication skills indeed!!


To your credit, you do put up with me and allow me to speak my mind. Probably due in no small part to your Liberal Western Conservative ideological lean, which holds freedom of speech dear. I probably would have long ago been banned/gagged from a Leftist site....who are selective in their allotment of free speech and often have no deep attachment to it, or will abandon it in a heartbeat if it suits their agenda.

EVil, for your viewing displeasure.

nazi filth, nazi vermin, SURRENDERING, UNCONDITIONALLY to the US, UK and SU.

Does it bring dears of sadness to your beady eyes?


There is a reason that many are hostile to Jews in general that has nothing to do with Jew hatred, but the politics of the vast majority of Jews.

But before the "politics of the Jews" came to be something of importance, in its current frame, there was the politics of those hostile to Jews who hounded and killed them for centuries until the climax of the Second World War; You expect them to forget so quickly?
So they went with the promises of Hope&Change be it from the Communists against the Russian nobility or to "whom they considered to be better" against the Coughlins and Wasps.
They have to learn but seem a bit slow in being able to discern where the truth is.
Until recently the Left had been low key about its opinions but the Bakers, Weinbergers and co., were not. They made sure it was in the Jew's face so EV in a matter of speaking "your" political behaviour has to some degree come round to bite you. You suffer along with the lousy choice those 85% made.
A pity really because now they seem to have screwed up big time.

At least Dan Margalit has now been roused from his slumber and is talking out.

By the way when you continually apply collective guilt instead of treating the individual who stood on your foot you are maintaining the antisemitic ritual.
So when one bashes Jews in general for something Rham Emmanuel did/does/will do, one is guilty.


Visitors here shouldn't have to have a roadmap to the history of EV on Solomonia in order to understand I haven't simply been allowing an escaped Klan member to run roughshod around my blog.

You implying that EV goes with the Democrats? :-)

I believe that it was Democrats ("Progressive Liberal Fascist Left"?) that entertained Klan members, were against Blacks having the vote etc.

Prominent Jews like Reagan-era arms-control official Kenneth Adelman, who expressed great admiration for McCain, proclaimed that the selection of Palin was beyond reason:

Just like a lot of other GOP members because suddenly there was a threat to their individual standing in the party.
She was not part of the coterie.
They saw her as an intruder come to knock them off their pedestals.
Maybe a good thing given the mess that exists in that conservatives are starting to see in Palin way out of the old pal network.

How about Shrinkwrapped commenting on this possibility?


If your mother was Catholic, then you would be rejected by Jews, from attending Jewish schools in the UK, until the recent court ruling, at least.

Seriously, you should go a trip to Israel and see what religious schools demand from the families that want to enroll their kids. Among other things no TV at home.
Maybe your English Jewish Religious school just wanted to conform to the rules of their sect?

No TV? How about HBO?

"Cynic said: You expect them to forget so quickly?
So they went with the promises of Hope&Change be it from the Communists against the Russian nobility or to "whom they considered to be better" against the Coughlins and Wasps.
They have to learn but seem a bit slow in being able to discern where the truth is. -- Cynic"

I understand the appeal of Communism to Jews. However that doesnt make Communist Jews any less of a threat than non Jew Communists. Do you understand this point?

Im with Waltzer, the neocons are kidding themselves if they see a mass conversion of Jews to Classcially Liberal Conservatism.

You must understand that this situation where Jews are in such a large majority, the farthest Left group in the US, that is creates hostility to them, not for being Jews but for being Leftists. Because Orthodox Jews are often easy to spot, I can count on a 9 out of 10 Jews that I meet to be my mortal political adversary. Do you understand this?

PS - Coughlin was a Socialist.

"Cynic said: By the way when you continually apply collective guilt instead of treating the individual who stood on your foot you are maintaining the antisemitic ritual. - Cynic"

I understand what you are saying. But its not as simple as you say. Do you for example apply collective guilt to the Euro Christian? The Palestinian Muslim? Why is that better or acceptable?

Maybe your English Jewish Religious school just wanted to conform to the rules of their sect? -- Cynic

The point being made, is that this was widely promoted in the Judeosphere as an attack on Jewish identity and self determination....and what I was trying to get across is that this is exactly what was/is done to the majority Euro Christian institutions. There is a clear double standard here.


Do you understand the appeal of national Socialism to your 1930s/1940s euro christians too?

Your linking of communism SOLELY to Jews, ignoring all the "white euro christian" commies, is exactly why you are clearly a sack of SHITler.

EVil, the commies didn't declare War on the US on December 11, 1941. The commies didn't blitzkreig their way through europe. It was your godless euro national socialist klan.

EVil, when did you last burn a cross?

You think cross burning is a Hate Crime against Christianity? If so, please tell us why the klan, nazi filth burn crosses.

EVil, You, as a self professed white euro Christian, will you also call for the retaliatory nuke destruction of Mecca/Makka and the Kabba, if the US suffers a nuke attack?

Your linking of communism SOLELY to Jews -- Eddie

No I am not.

Lets look at the article Solomon posted...

Why Jews Hate Sarah Palin...

In it libels and smears were spread about Sarah Palin, and the Jews lapped them up...because they are predisposed to believe them. Yet no fault is assigned to the Jews for their predisposition to them....based on their bigotry.

Discussed then, is the visceral revoltion that Jews have to Sarah Palin, that is beyond her record or policy positions....namely her CHOICE to have Trig, and her strong Christian faith, her lower class rural roots. These people recoil from her, because of what and who she is, beyond her policy advocations or her record(which they believe the distorted lies about because of their bigotry).

Then it goes on to suggest that Sarah Palin should expend time trying to woo Jewish bigoted haters.

Should Barack Obama have spent time trying to woo bigoted haters like Klansmen and White Supremacists, who hate him for what and who he is, not just disagree with him on some policies?

Is it OK for Jews to be bigoted haters, because of past injustices to the Jewsish tribe? Should I still be pissed at the Romans for invading Gaul? Or the Japanese and Germans for the misery of WW2? Putting collective guilt onto their descendants?

And furthermore, how should people like me (and Sarah Palin) respond to or relate to Jewish tribalist bigoted haters, which seem to constitute the majority of American Jewry?

This is an important question, perhaps the main one that I am seeking the answer to.

EVil, at least answer one little question,

Do you agree with Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo, that if the US suffers a nuke attack, in retaliation, the US should bomb a muslim holy city - like mecca/makka with its kabba?

See, there you go sounding like an anti-semite again. What you're missing is that more observant, "tribalist" Jews are more likely to like Sarah Palin and vote Republican. Much of this has more to do with class and urban (which more Jews represent) vs. rural sensibilities than it does with Jewishness.

I fully recognize that more traditional Jews and Orthodox Jews are social conservatives and in alignment with the Christian Right. Solomon, your objection seems to be that I havent stated this, as an aside, in every post.

The problem still remains that a large majority of Jews are what is being described. An individual or a small minroity of American Jewry, do not negate this generalization.

Just because their is a small minority of Enlightened and very liberal modern reformed Muslims, does not negate the generalization that most Muslims fully support Shariah Law and Muslim supremacy, even if most are non violent.

BTW, I do agree that Jews are entitled to their tribalism, however other groups are as well. And supporting tribalist politics in the long run isnt good for Jews in the West. Much better to support individualism and classical liberalism.

But alas...

EVil and that the majority of voters, were Christians, and voted AGAINST the McCain/Palin ticket.

But you don't let facts affect your obsession.

EVil did your klannishness with timothy mcveigh help you "understand" his bombing of the Murrah Federal building and the murder of 186 Americans?

Ill also note that more traditional and Orthodox Israeli Jews (as opposed to American), are more aggressive and unfriendly to Israeli Christians and Jews for Jesus.

Just so we can be thorough.

EVil, who is killing Christians, bombing churches?

It ain't the JOOOZ, but rather your national socialist muslim friends in al qada, baathists, hamass, hezbullah.

Another test of your knowledge.

Who murdered Robert F. Kennedy? The assassin wasn't a JOOO or surprisingly a muslim.


I understand what you are saying. But its not as simple as you say. Do you for example apply collective guilt to the Euro Christian? The Palestinian Muslim? Why is that better or acceptable?

No, it's not acceptable but when one considers human behaviour (psychological) the response makes sense, unless of course you do not consider Jews to be of the same human form. Double standards by any chance?

But anyway, going by the teachings of the Church over centuries it is not too far fetched to consider that the "Euro Christian" is following its teachings.
One just has to look at those current Anglican Primates such as Tutu and the Sabeel group for example to understand Jewish fears.
And having discovered the manner in which the European states permitted Hitler to carry out his policy regarding the Jews is it any wonder that they are looked at askance.

As for Muslims, well 1400 years of hatred in their holy texts which they are not permitted to disavow under pain of death and actions in instituting dhimmitude on those Jews they permitted to live means that they all must be considered as heeding the teachings and doings of Mohammad.
There is no doubt there, unless one is blind and clutching at straws, that looking for the "moderate" in the haystack is of last resort and could well lead to a knife in the back.


are more aggressive and unfriendly to Israeli Christians and Jews for Jesus.

If you had seen the manner in which the Israeli Christian community sided with Hezbollah in 2006, even when rockets killed some kids in Nazareth, then you can understand the sense of a fifth column threat and along with the Christian churches siding with the PLO from the time that the PLO was slaughtering Lebanese Christians in the 1970s till today when the various churches are behaving in similar fashion with the PA then it's is understandable.

No, it's not acceptable but when one considers human behaviour (psychological) the response makes sense, unless of course you do not consider Jews to be of the same human form. Double standards by any chance? -- Cynic

Not me, I fully recognize that as a reason for its existence, what I am questioning is why it is acceptable for them (and other minority groups), but not others? That is the double standard.

Cynic said: If you had seen the manner in which the Israeli Christian community sided with Hezbollah in 2006, even when rockets killed some kids in Nazareth, then you can understand the sense of a fifth column threat and along with the Christian churches siding with the PLO from the time that the PLO was slaughtering Lebanese Christians in the 1970s till today when the various churches are behaving in similar fashion with the PA then it's is understandable. -- Cynic

Isnt that just what we have over hear in the US and in Europe. Minorities sticking together, against the majority oppressor? Except here the majority "oppressor" is Euro Christian. And the Jews are in the coalition against them, and promoting "minority rights and well being."

It's just that the level of violence is lower here (but not inexistant). And the "war" is being waged via the political process, elections, and lawfare against Euro Christian culture and institutions...and so on and so forth.

Do you at least understand what I am saying, even if you reject it? Why do you reject it, if you do? I do understand what you are saying, and have no objection to it.

Note, I could have gone the "you are an anti Christian bigot route, negatively stereotyping all Christians or lumping them altogether"....which is a favorite of the Left and Jews. However I havent adopted those tactics...yet. Im trying to convince others of their wrong headedness...especially when applied as a double standard.

Here is the New York Times reviewer of Poderetz's book...more interesting that Waltzer's confused babble on the matter.

Because They Believe

I feel that EV is hijacking thread after thread, promoting bigotry and preventing intelligent commentary.

His comments are in fact both antisemitic and constitute personal attacks.

Further he is attempting to polarize Americans on a false left/right spectrum. Indeed there is a great deal to discuss but how can we discuss when we we're fighting a rear-guard action against a bad combination of stupidity and cruelty?

I think Solomonia is a serious and thoughtful blog.

But these "arguments" with EV can't be serious and thoughtful because we are dealing with somebody who either really believes the KKK line about people of color, Jews and non-what-he-calls-Christians and also, he reflects an astonishing lack of knowledge about Jews and actual Jewish behavior vis a vis non-Jews.

His assertions that American Jews are in fact all Communists and beyond that traitors to America as well as his belief that we are somehow fighting "Euro-Christian" culture is impossible to argue because they are based on false premises and in any case seem designed to increase bigotry and polarization rather than improve knowledge or provoke intelligent thought.

Also, one senses a desire to inflict pain.

I've got a serious problem with this.

EVil is just upset that his side lost WW2 and that his "white christian europe" is turning into Eurabia.

Eurabia didn't and doesn't want Jews, now it has al-qada, hamass, hezbollah supporting self-hating euros.

Screw europe.

Smears and slander are not arguments, Sophia.

A quick look at the first page of the blog will put the lie to the notion that I am hijacking threads. Furthermore, my commentary is intelligent, whether you agree with it or not. I am also not promoting bigotry, but trying to promote understanding and respect.

They are designed to attack and silence the speaker, not address the obvious disagreements, misunderstandings, etc that exist.

I am trying to have a dialogue to clear the air, promote understanding, and tackle tough issues. Not sweep them under the carpet as if they dont exist and silence people and stigmatize them, driving them from politically correct enforced society.

I apoligized to you for what could be contrued as Jew baiting and personal attack. Sometimes people get a bit hot talking politics. It happens.

America is polarized, no matter how you wish to disregard reality....and claim that people that disagree with the Leftist definition of what is acceptable political opinions are, are somehow the cause of the polarization.

Im fighting a rear gaurd action against the Western Left, trying to save Western Civilization from utter distruction, or at least minimize the damage that has already been caused by Leftists and their policies...whether driven by stupidity or cruelty.

I also think Solomon has a serious and thoughtful blog.

Calling me a KKKer or Clansman, when I have no affiliation with them, never have, and in fact oppose their ugly racism and white supremacism, their welfare state and New Dealist politics is par for the course. The problem is that the Left doesnt oppose all racism and supremacism, but rather targets only certain groups, and holds them to a double slanderous and desinged to shut down intelligent commentary, not encourage it.

I never said that Jews were all Communists, nor did I call them all traitors to America.

Poderetz, Waltzer, Wolpe, Sarna, Medved, Weiseltier, and Rubin all agree that their are issues between Jews and Euro Christians, and that its not all the fault of the Euro Christians.

Please explain to me where my thinking or facts are wrong?

I have no desire to inflict pain.

I think Jewish psychology is clouding your mind, along with your Leftwing ideology. You see everything through a lens of paranoia.

Lashing out at me, wont make the issues go away.

Sophia, perhaps, you can get back on topic, discussing Why Jews Hate Sarah Palin? Instead of personally attacking other posters, and calling for their banishment.

"Jewish psychology"?

Perfect example, EV, of stereotyping.

By the way: I don't think Jews hate Sarah Palin.

That in and of itself is a huge assumption and overlooks the fact that American Jews cover a wide range of political opinion.

I think it's unfortunate that this topic has been phrased in terms of "Jews hate Sarah Palin" in the first place.

I don't think even the most liberal/left of us (Jewish or otherwise) can be accused of "hating" Sarah Palin.

I do think a lot of Americans including highly principled Republicans and other Conservatives are uncomfortable with her politics.

Many people, including Democrats - some quite liberal, Hillary supporters for example - might have considered voting for McCain had he not chosen Palin as a running mate.

At best she was a polarizing figure during the campaign. At worst she represents a step backwards for anybody interested in environment, a more thoughtful approach to foreign affairs, and a wide range of domestic policy initiatives. Separation of church and state might also be a problematic issue with Palin.

Characterizing Obama as a "socialist", oversimplifying global political and economic issues and of course the "death panels" routine doesn't make people, Jews or otherwise, "hate" Sarah Palin.

It does make us think of her as a demogogue and a person who deliberately aims below the belt, appealing to peoples' fears above all.

This is something I personally don't think America needs.

EVil, Here's another youtube where Winston Churchill announces the surrender of your klan.

Unless you think that WW2 was a lie.

Thankfully the Israelis are well equipped to smash fascists of your pagan and of the mohammedan type.

Whoever didn't want Sarah Palin, voted for Joe Biden and his world-class "knowledge" of history.

This is short and FUNNY and sadly REAL.

Are you equally disgusted with people who call Tea Paritiers, teabaggers and closeted white supremacists and klansmen racists?

Are people that are comfortable with Sarah Palin's politics, unprincipled generally speaking?

It seems to me that you just made a whole lot of insinuations and negative generalizations in your post, that are highly offensive Sophia, should I now personally attack you and call for Solomon to bannish you?

Exit question, is Rubin an anti Semitite, using anti semitic language or pehatps a self hating Jew?

Exit question 2,

Obama seems to be a very polarizing figure. Do you think that he is good for the country in that regard?

Exit question 2,

If I made those kind of points regarding Joe Lieberman as potential Vice President that you just made concerning Sarah Palin, would I be highly suspect as an anti semite?

Some things for you to think about.

"Jewish psychology"?

Perfect example, EV, of stereotyping. --- Sophia

Even Cynic was talking about Jewish psychology on this thread, along with most of the authors I just listed.

Believe it or not, the Nazi Holocaust left a huge psychological scar on the Jewish people. (along with a long history of other oppression, maltreatment, and pogroms).

It's some some radical Klannish stereotyping of Jews, but intelligent discussion of them. Jewish suffering is an cultural trait, not a racial slur.

Good Lord!

And when I talk about a cultural trait, it goes way back to a central core of Judaism, Moses and the Exodus from slavery in Egypt.

You might be surprised how much I know about Jews.

EVil, If you know so much about Jews, tell us why Jews do not accept Jesus as God.

Here's McCain advisor Steve Schmidt on the subject of Sarah Palin.



“There were numerous instances where she said things that were not accurate that ultimately the campaign had to deal with, and that opened the door to criticism that she was being untruthful and inaccurate. And I think that that is something that continues to this day.”

After an ethics investigation of Palin when the Alaska Legislature issued a report, Schmidt says she mischaracterized that report.

“She went out and said, ‘This report completely exonorates me’ and in fact, it didn’t. You know…it’s the equivalent of saying ‘down is up, and up is down.’ It was provably, demonstrably untrue.”


There are, in short, very good reasons not to be enthusiastic about Sarah Palin and this is coming from the Republicans, not from me.

Also, Sarah Palin is apparently a Creationist. That obviously would put her outside the orbit of somebody I would consider qualified to lead the United States, as it strikes me as an extremist point of view.

This is also from a Republican link, albeit one which has broken with the right largely because of its recent anti-intellectual bias but also because of the immoderate tone taken by so many pundits and "leaders" recently:

I think the issue of moderation and rationality in politics is an important one and that we all ought to be wary of demogoguery.

This doesn't mean teapartiers are necessarily members of the KKK - that's a strawman as you well know and I made no such claims.

However, if the shoe fits...

I also believe in a Creator God, an Intelligent Designer. This does not make me an Anti Evolutionist.

This is also from a Republican link, albeit one which has broken with the right largely because of its recent anti-intellectual bias but also because of the immoderate tone taken by so many pundits and "leaders" recently: -- Sophia

Gratuitous slander of teh Right, check! And Charles Johnson has never been a Right Winger.

You cant define intellectual as things you believe in and promote, and then claim that everyone who disagrees with you is an ignorant anti intellectual bigot. That is just a gratuitous slander. "Those hicks out in the hinterland."

David Brooks, defined "Educated Elite" as Leftwingers, and then proceeded to excoriate the Tea Partiers as uneducated ignorant bigoted rubes or something.

No David, we are well educated and reject Leftwingism.

This East Coast snobbery has muddled your mind David.

The Tea Party Teens

Published: January 4, 2010



The public is not only shifting from left to right. Every single idea associated with the educated class has grown more unpopular over the past year.

The educated class believes in global warming, so public skepticism about global warming is on the rise. The educated class supports abortion rights, so public opinion is shifting against them. The educated class supports gun control, so opposition to gun control is mounting.

The story is the same in foreign affairs. The educated class is internationalist, so isolationist sentiment is now at an all-time high, according to a Pew Research Center survey. The educated class believes in multilateral action, so the number of Americans who believe we should “go our own way” has risen sharply.

A year ago, the Obama supporters were the passionate ones. Now the tea party brigades have all the intensity.



Furthermore, Biden is a blithering idiot, but nobody complained about him as Vice Presidential pick of the Democrat Party.

Obama with his "bitter clingers" comment.


Additionally, I would like to point out that you have just slandered and smeared broad swaths of people, generalizing about them, but in your mind, that is only a sin, when done to Jews. See how that works?

Its a point Ive been trying to hammer home. You are entitled to your worldview, but others arent evil, ignorant, hatemongers, because they dont agree with you. People who should be stigmatized and run out of the public sphere.

I see the Left in terms that you would no doubt find equally or even more offensive, than you see the American Right.

It's the reality of the situation. Yet the only person on this blog pleaing to the owner to ban or gag people is you. That says alot about you, as a representative of the Left, about the Left as well.

Right Wing, Left Wing...

A Pox on both their houses.

I will also note that it is highly offensive and also extraordinarily ignorant to state that Christians are irrational superstitious nincompoops, who have no business anywhere near government.

Let me guess, Shlomo Sand is a Leftist, trying to undermine and subvert Jewish culture, people, nation, and Israel. Deconstructing it, to suit his purpose. I wonder what other cultures, peoples, and nations, Leftists try to undermine and subvert and disempower with non stop asaults on them like this...


Let's put our thinking caps on.

Indecent Proposal

The Invention of the Jewish People.

By Shlomo Sand

Sophia, the party of the KKK was the Democratic Party.

I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.
— Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944,

Rubin writes:

i>Palin came to be far more identified during the presidential campaign with a cluster of highly fractious social issues—abortion, contraception, and church-state

but she does not note that it came about because of misleading MSM spin to damage her as far as possible in their efforts to get Obama elected.

In the leftist movement (almost like the elders of the GOP who are anything but conservative - maybe that's why Schmidt was so anti apart from possibly the psychological threat of losing his position in the party) there must be group think and it is not permissible for anyone to have their own thoughts and opinions outside of the ideology.
At the time reading Palin's words I understood that she was expressing opinions relating to herself.

The manner in which the Left went after her what with licentious reporting and litigious nonsense, those stupid Jews who could only see black and white and not the various shades of gray went along in case they upset the neighbours.
Asking them a serious question would get a spurious answer as to the why. Quoting Palin was received with a typical nya, nya, ....

The again there are plenty of people who make judgment calls based only on what they see on Oprah and incapable of digging deeper to verify the story or image.

In Nixon's day it was: "Would you buy a used car from this man?" Nowadays 'this man' should be replaced with 'the media'.

EVil is a member of Senator Byrds klan, in good standing.

I checked out the Gawker response. I found the comments section especially illuminating as representative of teh Jewish Left's opinion. Quite ugly, I must say.

Is there any question why many American Christians are not fans of Jewish Americans, after reading those comments?

I'm not seeing it. How do you even know what religion anyone in that thread is? And this in response to an article BY A JEW SUPPORTING PALIN. That's lefties doing the usual bash Palin thing. The point is made in there that Palin is more popular in Israel than she is here. So where do the Jews come in? You're seeing what you want to see.

You have your blinkers as well.


You walk like a sack of SHITler,

You quack like a sack of SHITler,

You are a sack of SHITler.

EVil, a pox on your klan.

Eddie, you sound just like the people calling Israeli Jews Nazis.

What if 75% or more of Euro Christians were Far Rightests Solomon.

Would you have a problem acknowledging that that and that they arent friendly to Jews? Would you adjust your behavior and policy advocation vis a vis this situation, or would you say, we cant stigmatize all Euro Christians like that, that's anti Euro Christian!

If Sarah Palin were Jewish, do you think that the reaction to her, would constitute a fair bit of anti Semitism?

Does Palin Support McCain’s bill—Indefinite Detention of Citizens On Mere Suspicion?

Are You Scheduled For Government Interrogation If McCain’s bill 3081 Is Passed?

On March 4, 2010, Sen. John McCain introduced S.3081, The “Enemy Belligerent Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010.”

Sen. McCain’s S.3081 would eliminate several Constitutional protections allowing Government to arbitrarily pick up Americans on mere suspicion—with no probable cause. Your political opinions and statements made against U.S. Government could be used by Authorities to deem you a “hostile” “Enemy Belligerent” to cause your arrest and indefinite detention. S.3081 is so broadly written innocent anti-war protesters and Tea Party Groups might be arrested and detained just for attending demonstrations.

Considering how often Sarah Palin defends Free Speech, one can’t help wonder why Palin is helping McCain’s reelection to the U.S. Senate after he introduced possibly the most anti-Free Speech Bill in Modern U.S. History. Perhaps Palin or her Tea Party supporters haven’t considered McCain’s legislation might be used by a corrupt government administration to crush them. Tea Parties might question Palin whether she supports Sen. McCain’s bill the “Enemy Belligerent Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010.” (S.3081)

Under S.3081, an “individual” need only be Suspected by Government of “suspicious activity” or “supporting hostilities” to be dragged off and held indefinitely in Military Custody. Government will have the power to detain and interrogate any individual without probable cause. Government need only allege an individual kept in detention, is an Unprivileged Enemy Belligerent suspected of; having engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners; or has purposefully and materially supported hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners. How could one prove to Government they did not purposely do something? “Materially Supporting Hostilities” against the United States could include any person or group that spoke out or demonstrated disapproval against an agency of U.S. Government. It is foreseeable many Americans might go underground to Resist Government Tyranny. Definition for Unprivileged Enemy Belligerent: (Anyone Subject to a Military Commission)

At least under the Patriot Act, law enforcement generally needed probable cause to detain a person indefinitely. Passage of S.3081 will permit government to use “mere suspicion” to curtail an individual’s Constitutional Protections against unlawful arrest, detention and interrogation without benefit of legal counsel and trial. According to S.3081 Government is not required to provide detained individuals U.S. Miranda Warnings or even an attorney.

S.3081 if passed will frighten Americans from speaking out. S.3081 is so broadly written, it appears any “individual” who writes on the Internet or verbally express an opinion against or an entity of U.S. Government or its coalition partners might be detained on the basis he or she is an “unprivileged enemy belligerent”, “supporting hostilities against U.S. Government.”

How might Americans respond should Government use this bill to take away their loved ones, family members and friends on mere suspicion? It is foreseeable McCain’s bill will drive lawful political activists underground, perhaps creating the domestic terrorists McCain said we needed to be protected from.

McCain’s bill mentions “non-violent acts" supporting terrorism in the U.S. and or emanating from America against a Coalition Partner. Non-violent terrorist acts" are covered in the Patriot Act to prosecute Persons that support “coercion to influence a government or intimidation to affect a civilian population.” However, U.S. activists and individuals under S.3081 would be much more vulnerable to prosecution, if (charged with suspicion) of “intentionally providing support to an Act of Terrorism”, for example American activists can’t control what other activists might do illegally—they network with domestically and overseas. Under the Patriot Act, law enforcement generally needs probable cause to detain or prosecute someone. But under S.3081, law enforcement and the military can too easily use (hearsay or informants) to allege “suspicious activity” to detain an individual. It is problematic under S.3081 that detained individuals in the U.S. not involved in terrorism or hostile activities, not given Miranda Warnings or allowed legal counsel will be prosecuted for ordinary crimes because of their alleged admissions while in military custody.

Notably, McCain’s S.3081 mandates (merging) Federal, State and Local Police and subsequently the U.S. Military to detain and hold Individuals in the U.S., even without probable cause.

Historically it is foreseeable under S.3081 that "erroneous informant information" could be used to detain innocent Individuals. Other countries have used lying informants to imprison; even execute political opposition.

Under S.3081 government may use an individual’s phone call and email information to allege without probable cause “suspicious or hostile activity against a U.S. civilian population or the United States to detain Americans.”

(Make Your Own Determination If The Analysis Herein Is Correct) See McCain Senate bill S.3081 at:

FYI: below is enclosed a copy of “Hitler’s Discriminatory Decrees signed February 28, 1933.” Although the Nazi Decrees are written differently than S.3081, the McCain bill could bring America to the same place crushing free speech and personal liberty. Note how the Nazi Government in Section (1) and (4), similar to U.S. S.3081, suspend personal liberty— shutdown Free Speech to intimidate Citizens speaking out against Government:

See Section 1
“Sections 114, 115, 117, 118, 123, 124, and 153 of the Constitution of the German Reich are suspended until further notice. Thus, restrictions on personal liberty, on the right of free expression of opinion, including freedom of the press, on the right of assembly and the right of association, and violations of the privacy of postal, telegraphic, and telephonic communications, and warrants for house-searches, orders for confiscations as well as restrictions on property, are also permissible beyond the legal limits otherwise prescribed.”

Similar to McCain’s S. 3081, but using different wording the Nazi Government in Section (4) see below, suspended Constitutional rights, ordered the arrest of Citizens for any ACT that might incite or provoke disobedience against state authorities. McCain’s S.3081 instead mentions detaining and prosecuting Individuals for “supporting hostilities” against U.S. Government. S.3081 is so broadly written any person or group attending a protest could be arrested without provable cause and detained if government charged a protest-supported hostilities.

See Section 4
Whoever provokes, or appeals for or incites to the disobedience of the orders given out by the supreme state authorities or the authorities subject to then for the execution of this decree, or the orders given by the Reich Government according to Section 2, is punishable—insofar as the deed, is not covered by the decree with more severe punishment and with imprisonment of not less that one month, or with a fine from 150 up to 15,000 Reichsmarks.


Note: Based on translations by State Department, National Socialism, 1942 PP. 215-17, and Pollak, J.K., and Heneman, H.J., The Hitler Decrees, (1934), pp. 10-11.7

In virtue of Section 48 (2) of the German Constitution, the following is decreed as a defensive measure against Communist acts of Violence, endangering the state:

Section 1
Sections 114, 115, 117, 118, 123, 124, and 153 of the Constitution of the German Reich are suspended until further notice. Thus, restrictions on personal liberty, on the right of free expression of opinion, including freedom of the press, on the right of assembly and the right of association, and violations of the privacy of postal, telegraphic, and telephonic communications, and warrants for house-searches, orders for confiscations as well as restrictions on property, are also permissible beyond the legal limits otherwise prescribed.

Section 2
If in a state the measures necessary for the restoration of public security and order are not taken, the Reich Government may temporarily take over the powers of the highest state authority.

Section 4
Whoever provokes, or appeals for or incites to the disobedience of the orders given out by the supreme state authorities or the authorities subject to then for the execution of this decree, or the orders given by the Reich Government according to Section 2, is punishable—insofar as the deed, is not covered by the decree with more severe punishment and with imprisonment of not less that one month, or with a fine from 150 up to 15,000 Reichsmarks.

Who ever endangers human life by violating Section 1, is to be punished by sentence to a penitentiary, under mitigating circumstances with imprisonment of not less than six months and, when violation causes the death of a person, with death, under mitigating circumstances with a penitentiary sentence of not less that two years. In addition the sentence my include confiscation of property.

Whoever provokes an inciter to or act contrary to public welfare is to be punished with a penitentiary sentence, under mitigating circumstances, with imprisonment of not less than three months.

Section 5
The crimes which under the Criminal Code are punishable with penitentiary for life are to be punished with death: i.e., in Sections 81 (high treason), 229 (poisoning), 306 (arson), 311 (explosion), 312 (floods), 315, paragraph 2 (damage to railroad properties, 324 (general poisoning).

Insofar as a more severe punishment has not been previously provided for, the following are punishable with death or with life imprisonment or with imprisonment not to exceed 15 years:

1. Anyone who undertakes to kill the Reich President or a member or a commissioner of the Reich Government or of a state government, or provokes to such a killing, or agrees to commit it, or accepts such an offer, or conspires with another for such a murder;

2. Anyone who under Section 115 (2) of the Criminal Code (serious rioting) or of Section 125 (2) of the Criminal Code (serious disturbance of the peace) commits the act with arms or cooperates consciously and intentionally with an armed person;

3. Anyone who commits a kidnapping under Section 239 of the Criminal with the intention of making use of the kidnapped person as a hostage in the political struggle.

Section 6
This decree enters in force on the day of its promulgation.

Reich President
Reich Chancellor
Reich Minister of the Interior
Reich Minister of Justice

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